NUPHAR lutea j foliia cordatis : lobis approximatis, calyce pentaphyllo, stigmate repando quatuordecim—
viginti-radiato, pencarpio exsulco.
NUPHAR h tea.^ Smith Prodr. Fl. Grtec. ml. 1. p . 3 6 l. Alton Hort. K m . ed. 3. ml. S .p. 395. Hook. FI.
NYMPHÆA lutea. Linn, to P I P-7-29- Hois. A m i p. 234. Light/. Scot. p . 482. With. Bot. Arr. ed.4.
ml. 3. p . 478. (Ed. E l Dan. t. 603. Hoffm. Germ. ed. 3. ml. 1 . P. I. p, 241. JVilld Sd PI g il § II * m mt Ü i « I h Fl. Gall. Syn. p.3 6 7 . Pers. Syn. Pi. ml. 3. p. 63. Wahl. Lapp. p. 1 5 1 . ^
NYMPHÆA umbilicaris. &r/wZ>. m ^4»«. <ƒ 2?oL w/. 2. p. 71.
NYMPHÆA calyce pentaphyllo, petalis majori, fructu conico. ' Hall. Helv. n. 1066.
NYMPHÆA lutea. Water-Lily with a yellow flower. Raii Syn. p . 363.
B0Huni LSaria o iS a k H I v M H i l B f l Germ. D ie gelbe Seeblume..
I Z Î . N Z d ^ t h . à ^ l r 110- ^ .G o lf i- d o . &o.a. Beendete.
[Naturai Order. N YM PH ^A C EjE. NYMPHjEA, Stilish.
H Char. Calyx qmnque—sex-phyllus. Petala plorima, receptacuio cum stamimbus inserts. Bacca supera, multi-
loculans, polysperma. S o rt. Kezv.
GBR. CHAR. Calyx of Jive to six leaves. Petals numerous inserted, as well as the stamens, upon the receptacle. Born,
supetioi, many-celled, many-seeded. * J
magna, sublignosa, repens, fibrosa, perennis.
RIDES, Jms.-\
Foiia omnia radicalia, longe petiolata, ovata, obtuse nervosa,
basi cordata, margine integerrima, undulata, pe-
tiolis compressis, basi triquetris.
Peddnculi, vel scapi, solitarii, teretes, longissimi, flexuosi,
i Flores magni, lutei, basi extus sæpissime virides.
j Calyx pentaphyllus, foliolis subrotundatis, concavis, peta-
Joideis, luteis.
j Cobolla : Petala numerosa, vix viginti, horizon tali ter pa- j
tentia, parva, foliolis calycinis triplo minora, cuneata,
retusa, intense flava, striata (subtus mellifera).
i pistil-
Root large; inclining to woody, creeping, fibrous, perennial.
Leaves all springing immediately from the root, and borne
upon long footstalks, ovate, indistinctly nerved, heart-
shaped at their base, their margin entire, waved, the
footstalks compressed, three-sided at the base.
Peduncles, or flower-stalks, solitary, round, very long,
flexuose, one-flowefed.
Flowers large, yellow, often green externally.
Calyx of five divisions, the leaflets somewhat rounded, concave,
petaliform, yellow.
Corolla : Petals many, in number about twenty, spreading
horizontally, small, about a third of the size o f the
calycine leaflets, cuneate, blunt, of a deep yellow
colour, striated .(bearing honey on their underside),
o i a mens numerous, situated at the base of the germen, at
first standing erect round the pistil, then becoming
patent, and finally recurved: Filaments broad, yellow;
the external ones principally petaloid, very blunt at
their points : Anthers composed of two, generally distinct,
yellow cells : Pollen yellow.
PrSTlL flagon-shaped, yellow : Germen round : Style short,
thick : Stigma orbiculate, with about sixteen rays ;
the rays brown, depressed in the centre, entire-at the
Seed-vessel: the Capsule or Berry nearly dry, large, flagonshaped,
narrower at the neck, of a greenish brown
colour, surrounded with the calyx at the base, terminated
at the point by the stigma, which is very depressed
in the centre, of about sixteen cells, many-
seeded, the cells finally separating from each other
and dropping away from the pericarp.
Seeds numerous, more in each cell than in Nympheea alba
large, olive-green, shining, glabrous, ovate, slightly
pointed, pendent. J
Albumen abundant, mealy.
Embryo situated at the base of the seed, near the hilum
not immersed in the albumen, covered with an integument
which is minutely dotted with white.
Cotyledons almost round, including the plumule which is
green, and has a tooth on one side, >1J
Radicle small, turned towards the hilum of the seed.
j Stamina numerosa ad basin germinis, primum cii
lum erecta, demUm patentia, atque etiain^SPva:
Filamente lata, flava; externa præcipue petaloidea,
apice obtusissima : Anther® e loculis duobus, sæpe
distinctis, flavis : Pollen flavum.
I PlSTlLLUM urceolatum, flavum : Germen rotundatum : Stylus
brevis, crassus : Stigma orbiculatum, subsedecim-ra-
diatum; radiis fuscis, centro depresso, mar<nne inte-
» Pericakpium : Capsula vel Bacca subsicca, magna, urceo-
lata, collo_ attenuato, viridi-fusca, glabra, basi calyce
cincta, apice stigmate, centro valde depresso, terminate,
subsedecim-locularis, polysperma, loculis demum
distinctis, atque pericarpio discussis.
I Semin a numerosa, pluram singulo loculoquam in Nympheea
alba, magna, olivaceo-viridia, nitida, glabra, ovata,
| subacuminata, pendens.
I Albumen copiosum, fariuaceum.
j kilBRYO ad basin seminis, prope hilum positus, extra-albu-
mmosus, integumento albo, minute punctato, tectus.
I Cotyledones subrotund at®, plumulam viridem, hinc i
I dentate®, includentes.
I aadicula parva, ad hilum seminis verst
. ^ ± l ntl,^ 7 r S s- 5- ■ ■
"nd 11,0 cotyIet*ons spread
I Sf 1freidi"S calyx, of which . ,J!’b caPsule 1s ‘-'»ays accompanied by the somewhat en-
« » ^ S « ’ t'10| b"rStS T " r gUlal:15'' “ d the several P °« in snof S | 1 m
I j® 'he inner side of thecell^as isThown'b^f1 cells 11m™ed lately indoses a number-of seeds attached by their narrow points
I!fesafeequally Ust tevom?^p0L lt!^g^OWt^ E 'Water-Lily affects situations similar to the White; still pools and
1 f r y i 11 ' \ r v 0,0,6 abundant than the » flowering in July and W L\? pure while inflorescence of tlm h /r n tito a ’ Thêb tl,™ el'ns to general admiration so much as the
5« ^ that °f
L ? '» oj L X d L tm f W .S Prcs7 ' ° ; ,;’ b,'t " differs from it by its much smaller sise, and especially in
I S In lhus referrin* the minima to h T r /Y™ ™ T f ’ 's ,he of Smith (JV. Thalmiam o^HookFl
; ' « kiveof the lBttor 7 I have probably committed a mistake, although the description.
V -wtUl^differeneTbS™ to £ ,7 andIa dose lamination of dried i M H i
1 of B H M M B I ,hem ;,but '» subject I shall revert when I come to treat of the — ‘°
C »ith milk, « « nod bitter qualities as are attributed to those S S I ,
I a Din, s.even said to be fatnl i ®w®t*en to entice and destroy cockroaches and house-crickets. The smell of the
I ° I"®® Ü better qualities Z dlher foAws pirposc.'1'6 " empI°yed in ta0ni"& altho“S1' « » ™ot is