foIus Pinnatis> fpliolis oblongo-lanceolatis oequaliter serratis. Sm
siüm M iH i i jM BM MM — — i
■ml. 2 . p . 144. W a à .F l . l a p p . p .W ^ ' yn' F \ mL l ‘t - 31? | ■**. Hort. K m . ed. 3.
SIUM fohis pihnads argute dentatis, umbellis erectis. Ball. H eh n 777
SIUM latifolium foliis variis. Great Water-Parsuep. RaiiSyn.p. i n .
Dan. Vandpafinah. Dut. Breedbladige watercppe. Fr. Be rk à feuilles la rm n r
™rk “ M M It. S i . K o J ! V a s ^ i Z . V o ^ l a Z l a ' m a f j Z Z ^ Z
Sd‘ar"0i k°n "C- SP“ ' S"“ 1' " * + * , * . Welsh. Dy fr-
[Natural Order. UMBELLIFERiE, Juss., Decancl.}
^Gbn. Chau. B*te,subovatus, compressor, strialus. Imoluora polyphylla. Petala cordata. uniformia.
EN.CHAE. A , « nearly ovate, compressed, striated. Inwlucra of many leaves. Prfn* cordate, uniform.
Radix repens, perennis.
Caules tri pedal es ad orgyalem, erecti, subramosi, <
glabri, virides, profunde sulcati, an«mlati.
Folia magna, alterna, impari-pinnata ; foliolis subsep-
tems, oppositis, sessilibu6, oblongo-ovatis, vel lan-
ceolatis, obtusis, immersis nunc incisis, omnibus
asqualiter atque argute serratis, retieulatim veno-
- f*s> glabris ; superiora breviora, foliolis pauciori-
bus, magis angustis, approximatis, magisque acu-
Petioli basi sulcati, membranaceo-vaginati.
Umbellæ terminales, pareeque latérales in axillis fo-
liorum oppositorum, pedunculatæ, magnæ, plani-
Involucrum universale quinque- ad septem-phyllum,
foliolis reflexis, lineari-lanceolatis, inæqualibus,
margine submembranaceis, integris vel incisis •
partiale e foliolis his similibus, sed minoribus et
fere omnibus integris.
Calyx quinquedentatus, dentibus subinæqualibus.
Corolla e petalis quinque, albo-flavescentibus, cordi-
formibus, vix inæqualibus.
Fructus late ovatus, profunde striatus, longitudinaliter
Semina duo, oblonga, reticulata, fusca.
Albumen carnosum, pallide fuscum.
Embryo immersus suprema parte albuminis.
Radicula supera.
I Root creeping, perennial.
Stems from three to six feet high, erect, somewhat
branched, hollow, smooth, green, deeply sulcate,
and angular. ’
Leaves large, alternate, pinnate with a single leaflet at
the point; leaflets about seven pairs, opposite •
sessile, oblongo-ovate, or lanceolate, obtuse, those
that are underwater sometimes incised, all equally
and sharply serrated, reticulated with veins
smooth; the superior ones shorter, with fewer
leaflets, narrower, approximate, and more acute
Petioles sulcate at the base, having a membranous
Umbels terminal, and sparingly lateral in the axils of the
opposite leaves, pedunculate, large, flattish.
Involucrum : the universal one with from five to seven
leaves, leaflets reflexed, linear-lanceolate, unequal,
with the margins somewhat membranaceous, entire
or incised; the partial one composed of leaf-
lets like these, but smaller and almost all entire.
Calyx five-toothed, with the teeth somewhat unequal
Corolla of five yellowish white, cordiform, scarcely
unequal petals. J
Fruit broadly ovate, deeply striated, separating Ion.
gitudmally. 9:!'- v/:
Seeds two, oblong, reticulated, brown.
Albumen carnose, pale brown.
Embryo immersed in the superior part of the albumen.
Radicle superior.
■~Mg. J. Partial involucrum, nat. sise. Fin- o T7lm„~r a n i , . .. _. I
Fie 5 Ernit^nnon Fier * tv -, ? .. * P AIOWeL -ttg. 3. Calyx and pistil. Fig. 4. Fruit, nat size
S C o d c V v ^ Ä v n
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