CAKILE maritima; articulis aneipitibus superiore sagittate, foliis pinnatifidis subdentatis carnosis. B t.
CAKILE maritima. JVilld. Sp. P L ml. 3. p. 416. Decand. FI. Fr. ed. 3. ml. 4. p. 7 1 8. Fl. Gall.
byn. p. 382. A it.H ort. K m . ed. 2. ml. 4. 0 .7 1 . P e rt. Syn. P i. ml. 2. p. 184. Pursli
Fl. Amer. Sept. ml. 2. p . 434. Wahl. Fl. Lapp. p . 178. Hook. Fl. Scot. P . I. p. 193.
CAKILE Serapionis. Gtert. de Fruct. ml. 2. p . 287. 1 . 141.
BUNIAS Cable. Linn Sp. PI. > 9 3 6 . Huds. Angl. p. 398. lig h t/. Scot. «.803. H'ith.Bot.
^rr. s . 551. /V. Da». <.1168. Htrffm. Germ. e i . S .m l t . P. II. p. 33.
Smith Fl. Brit. p . 694,. Engl. Bet. t. 231. Hook. Iceland Tour, ml. 2. p . 528. ?
CAKILE quibusdam, aliis Eruca marina et Raphanns marines. Sea Rocket. Ran Syn. p. 307.
Dwa. Straml/iane. Dot. Europischehnodsvrugt. Fr. Caauille. Germ. Der Mearecuf. It. Ca-
chile, Fort. & Span, Cakile. Norw. Strandsennap. Welsh. Hedydd y morlar.
[N attoae Obd eb . CRUCIFERÆ, D i t . I. SILICULOSÆ, Jmt., Decani., Hook.]
Chae. Oed,. Calyx tetraphyllus. Petala quatuor, foliolis alterna. Stamina se*, duo breviora solitaria ante
fohola calycina lateralia, quatuor longiora geminatim approximata ante foliola calycina altéra. Germen
unicum, umstylum. Fmctus^siliquatus. Semma exalbumiuosa. Emhryo curvus cotyledonibus super radi-
<mlam proms. Herboe aut Suffrutices, foins simphcibus sæpius alternis, floribus sæpissime facemosis ebractea-
Gen . Ch a e . Silicula biarticulata, articulis monospermis : supèrioris semine erecto, sessili ; inferioris (quan-
doque abortientis) pendulo. Br. w
Gen. Cha r. Pouch o f two single-seeded articulations
with a pendulous seed
Herba tota glabra.
Radix annua, parva, subfusiformis, fibrosa.
Caulis insigniter flexuosus vel etiam tortuosus, teres,
striatus, valde ramosus, ramis diffusis.
Folia bi-ad triuncialia, camosa, flavo-viridia, spathulata,
inferiora fere integerrima, reliqua dentata vel
Flores corymbosi, demum racemosi, pallide purpurei;
Fedicelli breves, ebracteati.
Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis erectis, duobus oppositis,
basi gibbosis.
Corolla tetrapetala, petalis obcordatis, unguiculatis,
Stamina sex, quorum duo breviora; Filamenta alba,
erecta; Anther® oblong®, fiav®.
Pistillum lineari-oblongum, biarticulatum; ’articulo
inferiore ovato, superiore elongato, subtetragono;
Stigma sessile, obtusum.
P ericarpium : Siliqua erecta, lineari-oblonga, paulu-
lum attenuata, curvata, biarticulata; articulo infe-
riore duplo triplove minore, obovato, uniloculari,
monospermo j semine pendulo nonnunquam abor-
tiente, superiore ovato-attenuato, carnoso, sic-
citate ancipite, basi sagittato, uniloculari, mo-
nospermo, semine erecto.
Semen ovatum, flavo-fuscum, podospermo brevi in-
Embryo cylindraceus, curvatus; Cotyledones lineares,
Flower. Fig. 2. Petal. Fig. 3. Stamens and
mature). Fig. 6. The same cut open, to show the
from the upper cell. Fig. 8. Its embryo. Fig. 9. S
upper articulation with an erect sessile seed ; lower one
(sometimes abortive).
Whole Pla n t glabrous.
Root annual, small, somewhat spindle-shaped, fibrous.
Stem remarkably flexuose, and even twisted, rounded,
striated, very much branched, branches spread-
L eaves from two to three inches long, fleshy, yellowish-
green, spathulate, the lower ones nearly entire,
the others toothed, or dentato-pinnatifid.
Flowers in corymbs, afterwards in racemes, o f a pale
purple colour; Pedicels short, destitute of brac-
Calyx o f four divisions, the leaflets erect, opposite in
pairs, gibbous at the base.
Corolla of four obcordate, clawed, veined petals.
Stamens six, two of them shorter than the rest; Filaments
white, erect; Anthers oblong, yellow.
P is t il between linear and oblong, of two joints; lower
joint ovate, upper one elongated, nearly square;
Stigma sessile, obtuse.
P e r ica r p : an erect linear-oblong, slightly attenuated,
curved, biarticulated Pod; with the lower articulation
twice or thrice smaller, obovate, one-celled,
one-seeded; the seed pendulous,sometimes abortive,
the upper one ovato-attenuate, fleshy, when
dry two-edged, sagittate at the base, one-celled,
one-seeded, having the seed erect.
Se ed ovate, yellowish-brown, furnished with a short
Embryo cylindrical, curved; Cotyledons linear, diverpistil.'
Fig. 4. Pistil. ^ Fig: 5. Silicule (not perfectly
situation of the seed in the two cells. Fig. 7 . Seed
ieed from the lower cell. Fig. 10. Its embroyo:—all
summer ? BH Hi j the Bj sea-s 'ore m H| every part of Britain. It flowers throughout the
mu,™ ’ bA* 1 fnconle"‘ seed-vessels do not become dry, and gain their characteristic form, till very late in the
“ essoming, the plant assumes a totally different appearance; for the corymbs of flowers, which
w h 4 t r L T “ edn ’ r“" °Ut mt° l0DS bnmches’ charSed with the conspicuous seed-vessels,
c o S r t S T . ^ 4* T “S W 3lertner separated from that of Bimias; and the opinion of subsequent authors has
“ “„dSde f t . B B ° f th’S meSST Br0wn s character’ which is lhe ™e that I have adopted, is intended
i — 8 Myagrumperenneou& rugomm of Willdenow; but these again are formed by W m d o lle into
fleshv hKmor f l H ”,amed alleging that it differs from Cakile in it neshy but more or less hairy, leaves; and in its whole habit. s yellow flowers; its never
? 6 feW gen^,ra that cannqt satisfactorily be referred to either of the two great divisions of the
of one or th e o r itS T a“ ous ^Kants : for lt: ls. har^ to say whether its seed-vessels correspond with the characters
Svstema VwetnhUU?* ? Sa tnbes' Anomalies like these have induced Decandolle, in his learned work the
appJTh tSTiiT’,. II an entirely different mode of arrangement; but how much nearer soever this may
d K % t o l h e S n r ‘0n mdmd“aIs' i t i s r t unquesgonably, one attended with considerably more
This plant is even found so far north as Iceland.
Of Aberdeen! th'> speclmen!’ from whicl1 the accompanying figure was taken, on the sandy beach to the northward