ARABIS Turrita; foliis amplexicaulibus, siliquis planis margine incrassatis, bracteis foliaceis. Br.
ARABIS Turrita. Linn. Sp. PI. p . 930. Huds. Angl.p. 293. With. Bot. A rr. ed. 4. ml. 3. p. 577.
Jacq. Austr. ml. 1. p. 1 1 . Hoffm. Germ. ed. 2. ml. 1. P . II. p . 57. Willd. Sp. PI. ml. 3.
p . 541. Smith Fl. B r it.p . 714. Engl. Bot. t. 178. Decand. Fl. Fr. ed. 3. ml. 4. p .6 7 5 .
Fl. Gall. Syn. p. 375. Pers. Syn. PI. ml. 2. p. 205. Ait. Hort. Keto. ed. 2 . ml. 4. p. 107-
Hook. Fl. Scot. P . I. p . 200.
LEUCOJUM foliis acute dentatis, amplexicaulibus, siliquis nutantibus incanis. Hall. Helv. n. 444.
Dut. Kromhaaumg Homgschub. Fr. JOArabette ochrcusc. Germ. Das Thurnformige Gänsekraut.
[N atural O rder. CRUCIFER.ZE, Juss., Decand., Hook.']
Gen . Ch a r. Siliqua linearis, stigmate subsessili coronata; valvis venosis vel nervosis. Semina uniserrata. Cotyle-
dones accumbentes. Calyx erectus.
G en. Cha r. Pod linear, crowned with the subsessile stigma; with the valves veined or nerved. Seeds uni-
serrate. Cotyledons accumbent. Calyx erect.
Radix subfusiformis, ramosa, annua.
Caulis erectus, subsimplex,pedalis ad tripedalem, teres,
pubescens, foliosus.
Folia oblongo-lanceolata; radicalia infeme in petiolum
desinentia; superiora basi. subauriculata; su-
; prema sessilia, subamplexicaulia; omniaflexuosa,
acute inasquahterque dentata, minute pubescen-
tia, subtus praecipue; pilis bi-trifurcatis.
Flores nj-imum corymbosi, nutantes, demum (fructiferi)
racemosi, erecti; inferiores foliosi; superiores
aphyli, vel minutissime bracteati.
P ed ic e l l i breves, supeme incrassati.
Calyx e foliolis quatuor ovatis subpubescentibus viri-
|dibus erectis.
Corolla tetrapetala, lactea, petalis ovato-spathulatis,
laminis patentibus.
Stamina sex, tetradynama; Filamenta subulata, stricta,
duobus inferioribus basi biglandulosis: Anther®
,' oblong®, erect®, flav®.
P istillum cylindraceum, erectum, glabrum, viride.
Stigma sessile, obtusum.
Siliqua curvato-pendula, longissima, linearis, margine
incrassata: Valv® sub lente reticuladm nervös®.
Semina numerosa, ovato-rotundata, fusca, pedicellata.
Root subfusiform, branched, and annual.
Stem erect, nearly simple, from a foot to three feet in
height, rounded, pubescent, leafy.
L eaves oblongo-lanpeolate; the radical ones tapedn<*
below into a footstalk; the superior ones sub°
auriculated at the base; the uppermost ones
sessile, subamplexicaul; all of them flexuose,
acutely and unequally toothed, minutely pubescent,
especially beneath; with the hairs bi- or
Flowers at first corymbose and drooping, a t length
(when in a state of- fruit) racemed, erect; the
lower ones leafy, the upper ones leafless, or only
furnished with a small bractea.
P edicels short, incrassated above.
Calyx formed of four ovate subpubescent green erect
Corolla o f four petals, yellowish white, with the petals
ovato-spathuiate, the borders spreading.
Stamens six, tetradynamous; the filaments subulate,
straight, having the two lowermost ones biglan-
dular at the base: Anthers oblong, erect, yellow.
P is t il cylindrical, erect, glabrous, green.
St igma sessile, obtuse.
P od curved and drooping, very long, linear, incrassated
at the margin: Valves under a microscope reticulated
with veins.
Seeds numerous, ovato-subrotundate, brown, pedicellate.
-F*£. L Upper portion of a plant of Arabis Turrita. Fig. 2. Lower leaf. Fig. 3. Radical leaf. Fig. 4^ Hairs.
E jg .5 . Flower with its bractea. Fig. 6. Petal. Fig. 7. Stamens and Pistil. Fig. 8. Pod (nat. size).
Fig. 9. Portion of a Pod, with some of the valve cut away so as to show the insertion o f the seeds. Fig. 10. Seed.
-—A ll but Jigs. 1, 2, 3, and 8, more or less magnified.
A plant of very rare occurrence throughout Great Britain; in England occurring only on walls of Trinity and
St. John s College, Cambridge; and on those o f Magdalen College, Oxford: and in Scotland it has no where
been found but upon the old walls of the Castle of Cliesh, Kinross-shire, by my friend G. A. W. Arnott, Esq.
In the curved and remarkably long and drooping seed-vessels, this species approaches the Arabis pendula
(a native of Siberia), and the N. American A.falcata; but in both of those the pod is very acute at the margin
not incrassated. . J 6 ’