DRABA muraïïs ; caule ramoso, foliis cordatis dentatis hirtis, siliculis patentibus ellipticis glabrist
DRABA muralir r ' ~ ™ ’ ’ - ........ -
..... ----- Vt"u«“»uwn»u8 uuus, smtuna paienilOUS eiliptICIS glaoriSk
muralis. Linn. Sp. PI. p. 897. Huds. Angl.p. 278. With. Rot. Arr. ed. 4. vol 3 p 554
Roth FI. Germ, vol, 2 .p. 7 \. Desf. Atl. p. 65. Lam. Illustr. t. 556. f. 2. Smith Fl.
Brit. p. 6,79. Engl. Bot. t. 912. Willd. Sp. P i. vol. 3. p . 429. Decand. Fl. Fr. ed, 3.
Roth j
, vol. 4. p . 699. Ft. Gail. Sylt. p . 379: Pers. Sya. P t. ml. 2. p. 190. A im H ort, Ken
cd. 2. vol. 4. p. 92..
DRABA caule ramoso, foliis cordatis, dentatis, amplexicaulibus. Hall. Helv. ;
BURSA pastoris major loculo oblongo. Rail Syn. p. 292.
I 499.
[Natural Ord er . CRUCIFERÆ, Juss. Decand. SILIQUOSÆ, Linn.]
Gen. Char. Silicula integra ovalis ; valvis plan is vel convexiusculis ; loculis polyspermis.
nata : cotyledonibus accumbentibus* Filamenta edentula. Br. in Hort. Kcto. "
Semina immargi-
Radix parva, fibrosa, annua.
Caulis spithamæùs ad pedalem,erectus, flexuosus, teres,
scaber, ramosus, foliosus.
Folia obtuse dentata, scabra, nervosa; radicalia ovata,
breviter subpetiolata; caulina alterna, distantia,
patentia, cordata, amplexicaulia.
Flores exigui, albi, primum çorymbosi, demum longe
Pedicelli erecto-patentes) breviusculi, scabri, demum
elongati, horizontales.
Caltcis foliola viridia, glabra, apice pallidiora.
Petala alba, basi attenuata.
Stamina : 'Filamenta sex, quorum duo breviora. An-
theræ subrotundæ, fiavæ.
Gebmen ovatum, subcompressum. Stigma capitatum,
Pericarpium: Silicula elliptica, valde compressa,
valvis venosis.
Semina circiter sex singulo loculo, ovata, flavo-fusca,
compressa, podospermis albidis, longiusculis,
cürvati.s affixa.
I ntegumentum coriaceo-membranaceum.
Embryo conduplicatus. Cotyledones ovatæ, planoconvex
®. Radicula sursum flexa Iongitudine
cotylédonum et eorum rim® accumbens.
% 1. Calyx. Fig. 2. Petal. Fig.
show the disposition, o f the seeds.
Fig. 7 .: Embryo.—All more
Root small, fibrous, annual.
Stem a span to a foot in height, erect, flexuose, round,
rough, branched, leafy.
L eaves obtusely toothed, scabrous, nerved; the radical
ones ovate, somewhat petiolate; those of the
stem alternate, distant, patent, cordate, amplexi-
Flowers small, white, a t first corymbose, at length in
.elongated racemes.
Ped icels erecto-patent, shortish, rough, at length
elongated, horizontal.
Leaflets of the calyx green, smooth, pale at the apex.
Petals white, attenuated at the base.
Stamens: Filaments six, of which two are shorter than
the rest: Anthers roundish, yellow.
Ge rm en ovate, somewhat compressed. Stigma capitate,
Pe r ica rp : Silicule elliptical, much compressed, valves
Seeds about six in each cell, ovate, yellowish- brown,
compressed, fixed to white rather long curved
I ntegument between coriaceous and membranaceous.
Embryo conduplicate. The cotyledons ovate, planoconvex.
Radicle bent upwards the length of the
cotyledons and applied to their’edges.
3. Germen and Stamens. Fig. 4. Silicule, with o
Fig. 5. Silicule in the act o f bursting. Fig. 6.
valve removed to
Seed with its Stalk.
pares oi Graven ,u j. ui wuue, wuere we e nave nave oursen ourseives gatnerea 0 ....... it upon r ____me limestone ______________
rocks e
p f f i S B H in Westmoreland and Derbyshire; Dr. Abbot finds it on the Wardon Hills, near Barton-in-the-
H i B D “ J Mr- Sole -on dry bants at Embotougb, Somersetshire. These are all thetraly wild
S r v y i bav? for U,ls Pret>y lltUe Plant; M although the late Mr. Don of Forfar gave it as inhabiting a
S H B f f l garden at Edinburgh, as well as a place called Bellevue near the same city, yet of S e r
“ 1 rea‘ natite- ^ JameS E- SmMl alS'° in,brmS US naluralized on
thslvnShv f lffers f? “ lhe %ure “ English Botany, by having a smooth calyx, according, in this particular, with
is reiarkahL u T rCl <*u?ted- -,Ils wh°le llablt ls tolallJ unUke that of a"y other British species. The stem
smooth and ^ i“ lL f " d fr° m B “ '1 ° f m0St ° f 1,10 lelves 0 sma11 brancb arisas; the pods too are peculiarly