CAREX pßllescens ; vaginis subnullis, bracteis foliaceis, spicis foemineis subpendulis pedunculatis,
fructu obovato-elliptico obtusissimo (Iineato) glabro.
CAREX pallescens. Linn. Sp. PI. p . 1386. Gooden, in Tv. o f Linn. Soc. ml. 2. ». 186. Huds.
Jn g J .p .4,10. Lightf. Scot.p. 558. With. Bot. Arr. ed.4. ml. 2 . ». 103. FI. Dan. 1. 1050
Hoffm. Germ. ed. 2. ml. 1 . P . II. p. 234. Willd. Sp. P i. ml. 4. » . 2 9 1 . Smith FI. Brit,
p . 989. Engl. Bot. t. 2185. Decand. Fl. Fr. ed. 3. ml. 3. p. 127. Fl. Gall. Syn. ». 144
Host Gram. Austr. ml. 1. p. 74. Pers. Syn. PI. ml. 2. ». 545. Ait. Hort. Kew. 'ed. %
ml. 5. p . 250. Hook. Fl. Scot. P. I. p . 266.
CAREX spicis foemineis pendulis, capsulis ovato-conicis. Hall. Hebo. n. 1393.
GRAMEN cyperoides polystachyon flavicans, spicis brevibus prope suinmitatem caulis. Yellowish
Cyperus-grass with short spikes. Raii Syn. p. 4 19 .
Dut. Bleclcachtige cyperbies. Fr. Laiche pâle. Germ. Das blasse Rcidgras. Swed. Blekstarr.
[N atural O rder. CYPERACEiE, Juss., Decand., Bream, Hook.]
Gen. Ciiar. Flores in amento im bricato dispositi.— Masc. Cal. Gluma univalvis. Cor. nulla.— Fcem. CW.Gluma
univalvis. Cor. monophylla, urceolata, ventricosa. Stigmata duo vel tria. Nux triquetra, corolla persistente
Gen . Char. Flowers arranged in an imbricated catkin— Ma le. Cal. Glume one-valved. Cor. none.__
F em. Cal. Glume one-valved. Cor. monophyllous, urceolate, ventricose. Stigmas two or three. H ut triquetrous,
covered by the persistent corolla. • ' 1
Radix perennis, csespitosa, fibrosa, fibris ramosis fuscis.
Culmi plures ex eadem radice, erecti, graciles, acute-
tjjiquetri, supeme scabriusculi, infeme teves,
giabri, semipedales, fructiferi pedales ad sesqui-
Folia linearia, acuminata, viridia, culmo plerumque
breviora, canaliculata, glabra, ad marginem sca-
briuscula, inferne vagmata, vaginis striatis, pu-
besGentibus : Bractese foliaceas, inferiore spicu-
las excedente, reliquis sensim minoribus: Vagina
brevis sima, fere nulla.
Spica mascula unica, terminalis, erecta, oblonga:
Squamas obovate, acutiuscute, pallide-fuscas, !
dorso linea longitudinali luteo-viridi notate.
Stamina tria.
Spicje F(EMINE2E plerumque tres, approximate, superior
subsessili, inferioribus pedunculatis (fructi-
feris), magis minusve nutantibus: Squamos ut in
mare, vel paululum breviores pallidioresque:
Germen ovato-rotundatum: Stigmata tria, pu-
bescentia: Fructus obovato-ellipticus, obtusus,
vix apiculatus, glaber, viridi-fuscus, lineis satura-
tioribus longitudinaliter pictus: Semen ovato-
rotundatum, triquetrum.
Root perennial, thickly fibrous, the fibres branched and
Culms many from the same root, erect, slender, sharply
triquetrous, above roughish, beneath smooth and
glabrous, about half a foot high, the fruit-bearing
individuals from one to six feet high.
Leaves linear, acuminated, green, generally shorter
than the culm, channelled, glabrous, rather rough
a t the margin, beneath sheathing, the sheaths
striated, downy: Bracteas leafy, with the lower
one longer than the spicules, the rest gradually
smaller: Sheath very short, scarcely existing.
Male s p ik e single, terminal, erect, oblong: Scales
obovate, rather acute, o f a pale brown colour,
marked on their back with a longitudinal yellow-
green line.
Stamens three.
Female spikes mostly three in number, approximated,
the upper one almost sessile, the lower ones pedunculated
(fructiferous), more or less drooping:
Scales as in the male, or a little shorter and
paler: Germen ovato-rotundate: Stigmas three,
downy: Fruit obovato-elliplic, obtuse, scarcely
apiculated, glabrous, of a yellowish-brown colour,
longitudinally streaked with darker lines: Seed
between ovate and rounded, triquetrous.
Female ditto. Fig. 3. Fruit within the scale, with the persistent stigma.
;W j j g i S E a O i l ' ■ .»scale, free, which the stigmas have fallen, leaving an extremely short andim-
—All:more kss rSgnifod Seed removed from 115 urceolus, and terminated by the persistent stigma.
weU dTstb™SeH0f “ ea”f “T ,"m0,n 1 m?isl I T * and marah7 Places- >" furious parts of the kingdom; and
spikelets S e th /r Srith !l I B B b y '? sheuthUss bracteas, pedunculated and slightly drooping, oblong, female
S a lI , inarkS ndth da, ? l i “ loured f “1,“ ’ and 1,10 almost exactly elliptical glabrous fruit, which is longitu-
the least glaucms ^ d k | H “ eS' ‘ The lcaves are of a ! ■ daal> a"d bright yellowish green colour, not in