NYMPIiiEA alba ; foliis cordatis integerrimis, s.tigmatesexde.cim:radiatQ, radiis adscendetjtibus.
NYMPH.EA alba. Linn. Sp. PL p. 729. Huds.4ngLp. 234>. Lightf. Scot, p. <Z 83. With Bot
Arr. ed. 4. ml. 3. p. 4 79. (Ed: FI. Dan. t . 602. Hoffm. Germ. ed. 2. co/. l. > t'
242, P/. VO/. 2. p. Ï 152. I » » # ! P/. PnV. /». 57Ó. A W V. 160*
M 3- .WH 4. A 630. P/. <?«//. « jo. 367. k P /. 3 g q.
p .6 3 . Alton Hort. Kelt), ed. 2. ml. 3 .p . 292. Hook. Fl. Scot. P . l .p . \ 6 9 ,
CASTALIA speciosa. Salisb. in Ann. o f Bot. ml. 2. p .,72.
NYMPHiEA calyce quadrifido petalis minori, fructu sphasrico. Hall. Helv. n. 1067.
NYMPfLEA alba. Bail Syn. p. 368.
■ w GnB I Km I Tf^ ,‘ PUmPfn- Blanc<Teau. Germ. DicweisreSeeUumè. HuiSg. Frier
vizi-toli. It. Nenufar bianco. Norw. SjócHomsta.Vól. Wodhia Lilia. Port. G o » . Span H i
dc no. Swed. Sjóblad. Welsh. Magwyr ven. aoj T " ■ p ^
Class a n d Ord e r . PO LY A N D RIA MONOGYNIA.
[Natural Ord e r . N Y M P H IA C E jE, “ • PAPAVERAGEIE, HYDRQChar.
Ob d ih is . Calyx tetra- vel penta-pbylluSj receptacub non articnlatus., Petala staminaque multiseriatim
disposita, foliohs calycims alternata. Anthene mvers», adnat». Bacca multilocularis, p d . » m T
'S * * • > « * > * * * * h ncnvis vddiatis: P cdunc ii cbrqc-
Character of t h e O rd e r . Calyx of four to five leaves, not articulated with the receptacle PptnUcnA
disposed in many rows, alternat /w ith the leaflets o f Ihe calyx. ’ A n t h e f S ^ ^ * £ Z B e Z
litany-celled, many-seeded. Ä ä i j r o large, situated in the base o f a fleshy albumen —Water X Z . ’r W
bug stalks, their nerves radiating. Peduncles mtliöut bracicas, mi-Jlou^cd. '' ’ ■ ?.tel-P!a",s- Bernes wi
Gmt. Char. Calyx tetra-vel penta-phyllus. Petala numerosa, germini sub stamina inserta: Bacca multilocularis
polysperma. '■> ?
Gen. Char. Calyx o f four to five leaves. Petals numerous, inserted upon the germen, beneath the stamens
Berry many-qelled, many-seeded. '
Radix perennis, subtuberosa, longa, crassa, fibras majuscules
Caü'lis nüllus.
Folia radicafia, longe petiolata, çordato-rotundata,
primum longitüdinalitèr cpndùpliçàta, involuta,
demum'explanàta, nâtantïa, intense yiridia, obscure
yenosa, glabre, petiolo tereie, basi compressa,
intus medullosa.
Scapi (yel pedunculi radicales) longi, teretes, erecti,
Flops magni, speçiosi, albi.
Calyx e fpliolis quatuor, corolla subæque longis, ovato-
oblongis, coriçavis, crassiusculis‘ glabris., extus
Çisçq-viridibus, margine albo, intus rubieundis;
Petala numerosa, imbricata, stellatim ex pansa, oblongs,
concâva, albä, exteriorä majora, interiora
sensim minora, atque antherifera, vel in stamina j
mutata, omnia germinis basi inserta.
Stamina numerosa, magna, sub stigmate germini inserta:
Filaments alba, exteriora dilatata, petali-
foruiia, antheris parvis, interiora minora, an«us-
tiora, antheris longis, linearibus, fia vis, bilocula-
ribus terminata, loculis longitudinaliter dehiscen-
Pollen minutum, flavum, sub summa lente hispidulum.
PlSTILLUM jnum : Germen subrotundatum, basi pe-
taliferum, superne staminiferum : Stylus nullus :
Stigi iiiHgkiuiu, cloowniicGatvtvuumiii,, vviirniudii--nfiaavvuumm,, sseexx--
decim-radiatum, radiis adscendentibus, centra
glandulo vel tuberculo rotundato flavo (nectario
Salisb. ).
ericarpiüm : Capsula baccata, subrotundata, lateri-
bus, reliquiis staminum petalorumque, • cicatri-
c°sa, flàvescens, stigmate nigra-fusco terminata
sexdecim-locularis, polysperma.
Semina numerosa (pluriipa abortiva), pariètalia, arillo
saccato duplice reticulato magno pellucido tecta,
ovata, viridi-fusca, sub lente pulcherrime punc-
tato-lmeata, linea longitudinali elevata notata.
men copiosum, farinoso-cereaceum, hinc chalaza
E nisca notatum.
BRYo sub summum apicem ad hilum semiuis, in cavitate
albuminis inserta, majuscula subrotundata,
mh j na *enu' a^ba tecta : Cotyledones ovato-
rotundatæ, carnosæ, concavoe, albæ.
IU"ICî f 1 Pnrbrevis, obtusa, ad hilum seminis versa:
cumula majuscula, viridis, oblonga, uuidentata.
Hoot perennial, somewhat tuberous, long, thick throwing
out large fibres.
Stem none.
L eavr? springing immediately from the root, upon long
footstalks, between heart-shaped and round, a t
first doubled together lengthwise and rolled in-
subsequently spread out, floating 0f a
deep.green indistinctly veined, glabrous, the fo o t
withi r°U"^ ed’ con?Pr?ssed at tb.e base, spongy
F lower-stalks (or radical pedupcl.es) long, rounded
erect, flexudse, w ’
F lowers large, beautiful, white.
Calyx of fpui; leaves, nearly equalling the corolla in
length, oyato-oblong, concave, fleshy, glabrous,
externally o f a dark green, with the maroins
white, internally rose-coloured.
P etals numerous, imbricated, expanding in a starrv
form, oblong concave, white, tbebxterior ones
the largest, the inner ones becoming tnadually
less and antheriferous, or changing into^stamens,
all inserted at the base o f the germen
Stamens numerous, large, inserted upon the germen,
under the stigma: Filaments white, the exterior
ones dilated and petaliform, the anthers small
the interior ones less and narrower, tipped with
thelon^ linear, yellow, two-celled anthers, of
which the cells open longitudinally.
Pollen small, yellow, under a high magnifying Dower
appearing rather hispid. & *
P is t il large: Germen nearly round, petaliferous at the
base, stammiferous above: Style none: Stigma
huge, concave, of a greenish yellow colour of
sixteen rays, the rays ascending, havin» in the
ye'1« gland or tubercle (nectary
P e r ica rp : a baccate, almost round Capsule, scarred
round its sides with the remains o f the stamens
and petals, of a yellow colour, terminated with
the blackish brown stigma, of sixteen ceils, the
cells containing many seeds.
Seeds numerous (many unproductive), adhering to the
inner sides of the pericarp, covered with a sac-
cate, double, reticulated, large, pellucid arillus
?™teJ r?f“ m,sh..br“ " n',.under'lh? lens appearii ‘
■ked with a
:aly and
beautifully dotted in lines, and
longitudinal elevated line.
I ntegument crustaceous.
Albumen in a large quantity, betwe
waxy, marked with a brown chala
Embryo situated immediately below the extreme point
towards the hilum of the seed, inserted in a cavity
of the albumen, large, roundish, covered with
a thin white membrane: Cotyledons between
ovate and round, fleshy, concave, white
Radicle extremely short, obtuse, directed towards the
hilum o f die seed: Plumule large, green two-
lobed, oblong, with a single tooth. ’
* Gcrmen ™ “”thera- 3- The same cut through vertically, showing a portion o f the rays o f the