SIUM 4eerectP'™StiS’ f°lioI‘S inæilualiler serratisque, umbdllis pedunculatis op-
SILTM angustifolium. Linn. Sp. PI. p. 1 672. Unis. Angl. p. 1 19 . Light/. S a t. p. 160. With
Bot. A n . ed. 4. ml. 2. p . 294. Hoffm. Germ. ed. g. ml. 1. P . I. ». 13 7 Wind Sit PI
“ Smith FI. Brit. p . 313. Engl. Bot. t. 139. M. Z t r . ' t 17
P e r s . i p „ .P l .m , . i . p . 3iS.
SIUM nodiflorum. Oed. Fl. Dan. t. 247.
SIUM erectum. Huds. Angl. ed. 1 . p. 103.
SIUM folns^radicalibus ovatis, pinnulis dentatis, caulinis appendiculatis, umbellis alaribus. Hall. Helm.
SIUM sive Apium palystre foliis oblongis. Common upright Water-Parsnep. Rail Syn. p . 311.
“,W“ÿ C W"lf e!,y c- Fr- B a * à feuilles étroites.. Germ. D e r Sumpfeppich mit schmalen
Blattern. Port. Rabaca motor. Span. Berrera de hoja angosta. Welsh. Dpjr-foromjn culidail.
Class a n d Oed e b . PENTANDEIA DIGYNIA.
[N a tceal Oe d e e . tiMUKI.UFKR.-K, Juss., Decani.-]
Ge n . Cha r. Fructus subovatus, compressus, slriatos. Imolucra poljphylla. Petala cordata, uniformia.
Ge n . Ch a r . Fruit nearly ovate, compressed, striated. Imolucmm of many leaves. Petals cordate, uniform
Ra d ix repens, perennis.
Caules tri- ad qUatuor^pedales, erecti, ramosi, cavi, cfla-
bri, viridi-purpurascentes, teretes, levitcr striati.
Folia alterna, impari-pinnata; inferiora maxima, elon-
gata; foliolis-numerosis, distant! bus, ovato-lanceo-
latis, acuminatis, inoequaliter serratis, basi obli-
quis, sublobatis ; superiora breviora, foliolis ma-
gis approximate, acuminatis, magisque irregula-
riter dentatis, atque varie incisis, superioribus
præcipue. Petioli teretes, vix striati, basi vagi-
Umbell® numerosie, laterales, in axillis foliorum, pe-
B'j;., dunculatfe, hemisphtericas.
I nvolucrum universale subpentaphyllum, reflexum,
foliolis inasqualibus, varie inciso-pinnatis, seg-
inentisacute; partiale e foliolis plerumque inte-
Calyx parvus, quinquedentatus.
Corolla pentapetala, petalis cordatis, osqualibus, albis.
Fructus late ovatus, fere rotundalus, striatus, longitu-
dinaliter bipartibilis.
■Fig- 1. Flower. Fig. 2. Fruit—magn.
Root creeping, perennial.
Stems from three to four feet in height, erect, branched
hollow, destitute of hairs, greenish-purple, round!
, slightly striated.
Leaves alternate, pinnate with a single leaflet at the
point; the lowest ones the largest, elongated; the
leaflets numerous, distantly placed, ovato-lanceo-
late, acuminated, unequally serrated, a t the base
oblique and somewhat lobed ; the superior ones
the shortest, their leaflets most approximated,
acuminated, and more irregularly dentate and variously
incised, particularly the uppermost. Petioles
round, slightly striated, sheathing at the
base. °
Umbels numerous, lateral, from the axils o f the leaves
upon footstalks, hemisphasrical.
General I nvolucrum about five-leaved, reflexed, the
leaflets unequal, variously insiso-pinnate, segments
acute; partial involucrum composed of
leaflets which are generally entire.
Calyx small, o f five teeth.
Corolla o f five petals, the petals heart-shaped, equal,
Fr u it broadly ovate, nearly round, striated, partin'*
deeplyserrated, and by the rounder (not angular) and only slightly striated stems. " ’ m0re
Withering observes, that this^species certainly possesses active properties, which ought to be inquired into.