. L i
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TAB. C L X a .
N E P H R O D I U M P U B E S C E N S .
F I L I C E S .— G y r a t æ . B r . P o l y p o d i a c e æ . K a u l f . F i l i c e s v e r æ . JVilld.
G e n . C h a r . N E P H R O D I U M , Br. S o r i rotundi, dorsales. Involucrhm reniforme, sinu
affixum, marginibus liberis. B r .
N e p h r o d i u m ptibescens ; fronde ovato-deltoidea bipinnata pilosa, pinnis ovatis acntis inciso-
dentatis sumniis subintcgris conflucntibus, inferioribus pinnatifidis, rachi involucrisque pilosis.
Aspidium pubcscens. S tv a r lz , S y n . Fil. p . 5 6 . W illd . S p . P I. v. 5. p . 2 / 1 . S p ren g . S y s t.
F eg e t. V. 4. p . 108.
Polypodium pubcsccns. L in n . S p . P I. p . 1352.
P olypodium minus subhirsutmn, &c. B row n , J am . p . 101.
P I a b . In Jamaica. B r o w n ; S w a r tz ; D om .J V ile s ; Dorn. H ig son .
R a d ix n nobis non visa.
Caudex digitalis ad spithamæam, gracilis, fusco-luteus, glaber, nitidus, basi, in juniore planta, sublanatus, teres,
hinc sulcatus. •
F ro n s palmaris vel spithamoea, circumscriptione ovato-deltoidea, utrinque nervis margineque pilosa, bipinnata.
PinncE p i imaricB inferiores digitales, lanceolatæ : p itinæ secundaria;, vel p in n u læ , ovatoe, alternæ, subsessiles,
acutissimoe, supremæ subintegerrimæ, in te rmed iæ inciso-dentatoe, in ferioribus majoribus incisis et etiam pinnatifidis,
segmentis semper acutis.
So7'i pauci, solitarii, subrotundi.
Involucrum reniforme, sinu piloso, pilis articulatis, cito deciduum.
Capsulæ numerosoe, sublonge pedicellatoe.
Semina ovalia, pellucida, subangulata.
F ig . 1. Pinnulæ cum soris vetustis. f. 2. Sorus cum involucro, f. 3. Capsulæ. f. 4 . Semina;—magn. auct.
Nephrodium pubescens {A sp id ium o f Swartz, and Pobjpodium o f Linn.) is one o f th o se plants the
identity o f which, for want o f a g o od description or figure, must be to us a matter o f some doubt.
The present plant, which is equally with that species a native o f Jamaica, appears to us to agree
sufficiently we ll with th e short characters o f authors. Our description we accompany with a
representation, which, wc trust, will at lea st remove all doubt as to the plant we designate under
this name.
I t b elon g s, indeed, to a tribe or group o f Nephrodium, that is attended with much difficulty in
the discrimination o f the species which compose it, and which can hardly be understood without
accurate figures. I t will rank near to our A sp id ium aculeatum: but is we ll distinguished by its
shorter, more deltoid frond, having the rachis, and nerves, and margins o f th e pinnules clothed with
copious and rather lo n g hairs.
N ephrodium pubescens is one amongst a large and valuable colle ction, which had been gathered
and presented to the Horticultural S o ciety o f Jamaica by Mr. W ile s. T his colle ction, in the most
liberal maimer and with the con sen t o f Mr. W ile s, the S o c ie ty has transferred to u s ; and we are
anxious thus publicly to render onr acknowledgements for so useful and valuable a contribution to
our Herbaria.