
TAH. r r . v . v j / i ;
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l'ILICE.S.—G y e a tæ . B r . P o l y p o d ia c eæ . K a u lf . F il ic e s veræ. Willd.
G e n . C h a e . N E P H R O D I U M , Br. S a r i rotundi, dorsales. Involucrum reniforme, sinu affixuni,
marginibus liberis. B r .
N e p h e o d i u m elon g a tum ; frondibus bipinnatis pinuulis superioribus subovatis, intermediis oblongis
sublobatis, inferioribus elon g a tis subpinnatlfidis, omnibus argute serratis glabris subtus minute
c rj'stullmo-gkndulosis snbsquamosis, involucris con vexis g k n d u lo s is , stipite inferne squamis
grossis paleaceis.
Aspidium elongatum. S w a r tz , S yn . F i l . 5 5 . W i lU . S p . P L v . 5. p. 2 6 9 . S p ren g . S y s l.
V eg e t. V. 4. p . 10".
Polypodium elongatum. A i t . H o r t. K ew . ed. 1. v. 3 . p . 4 6 5 .
Tectaria e longata. “ Cav. A n n . de H is t. N a t. v. 4 . p . 101.” >
I I a b . In Madera. M a e so n ; R e v . R . T . L ow e . Insulis A zor ils. M a sson . “ In Teneriffa”
{JVilldenow ).
S tip e s pedalis. erectas, firmas, flaveseeati-fascas, sab a a gula ta s, faeie aateriore s a le t a s , sqaamosus; squamis
magnis, paleaceis, inferne densissime imbricatis, intense fuscis, nitidis, osmis, vnldc acuminatis, unciam ferc
R o n s b,pedalis ct ultra, bipinnata, circamscriptione ovata, acuminata, subcoriaceo-membranacea, Iicte viridis,
glabra, subtus pallidior ct minntissime g lan du losa; glandulis c rjstallin is. P h m w lio r izontnles; in feriores
longiores, ovata,, acuminata,; s v p r a u e snblineares; p in n u læ pinnaram superiorum brevissime confluentes,
su bo .a tm; in termediar,àn oblon goe ; superiores confluentes, infe rio re s libera,, sublobatoe, versas basin proe-
c ipu e: in fe rio rum elongatoe, o b lon g o -k u c e ok ta ,, pinnatifidoe; omnibus obtusis argute setcnlatis, sessilibus,
costatis, nervosis. Costa subtus squamis subsolitariis fascis ro tn ud afebreviformibu s tecta.
S o r i rotondati, numerosi, in pínnulas biseriatim dispositi, costa, approximati.
Invoburrum teniformi-rotundatnm, valde couvmtnm, minute glandulosum, pallide fusenm, sinu profondo.
Capsulæ numerosæ, fuscæ, pediceüatæ, annulo incompleto cinctæ.
S m i n a intense fusca, ovali-globosa, subangulata.
F i g . l . Pinnula sterilis e parte superiore pinnoe, subtus v isa f . 2 . Involucrum. f. 3. Capsnlæ. f . 4 . Semina:—
m agn. auct.
Tins Fern appears to be very little kn ow n to botanists, and wo arc much indebted to the Rev.
R. T. Lowe for sending us fine specimens gntbercd in Madeira, at Ribeiro d'Amestade, at tin
elevation o f 3 0 0 0 fe e t above the lev e l o f the sea, aud from which our figure and description have
been made. T lie sc , to o , wc liavo l,ad on opporttmlty o f comparing with an authentic specimen o f
Mr. Masson's, and thus determining it to be the P olypodium e longatum o f th e Hortus Kewensis. It
is assuredly allied to N ephrodium F i b M a e ; hut its peduncles are more slender, more eomponnd,
more elongated, the underside is miimte ly dotted with crystalline glands, and the involucre, which
is very convex, is also studded witli glands, som e cryst,allinc, others opake.
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