T R I C H O M A N E S B A N C R O F T I I .
F I L I C E S . ’— G y r a t æ . B r . F o l y t o d i a c e æ . K a u l f . F i l i c e s v e r æ . W i l ld ., S p r e n g .
Gen. Ciiar. T R IC H O M A N E S , Sm., Sw. Sori marginales. Capsuloe sessiles, receptáculo
communi cylindraceo insertæ, intra Involucrum monophyllum, suburccolatum, ore hiante,
textura frondis. Rr.
T iu c i io m a n e s Bancroflii; frondibus ovato-deltoideis profunde bi-tripinnatifidis, laciniis lato-Iinca-
ribus obtusissimis integerrimis minute reticulatis marginibus parce pilosis, involucris cylin-
dracco-campanulatis omnino immcrsis, ore dilatato vix bilabiato, stipite superne late alato.
I I a i ì . Insula Jamaicæ. N . Bancroft, M .D . ; D D . Wile s Higson. Dcnierara. X). Par/c«\
Caudc.v, ut videtur, brevis, repens, radículas filiformes flexuosas ramosas subtus emittens.
S tip ite s bi-tripollicares, erecti, inferne semiteretes, nudi, superne late alati.
Frons ovato-deltoidea, subdigitalis, profunde bi-tripinnatifida, elastico-membranacea, rigidiuscula, minute reticulata,
obscure viridis; la c in iæ p rim a ria : subborizontaliter patentes, circumscriptione ovatæ, segmentis linearibus
obtusis, unicostatis, integerrimis, margine sparsim pilosis, pilis clavatis, biarticulatis.
In vo lu c ra semper ad apices laciniarum, omnino immersa, et ita latissime alata, cylindraceo-cainpanulata; ore per-
brevi, obscure bilabiato, labiis demum patentibus.
Receptacìdum valde exsertum, involucro quintuplo longius.
Capsula: orbiculares, pell.atoe, annulo Iato cinctæ.
S emina ovali-globosa.
Fig . 1. Portio frondis cum involucris. f. 2. Portio laciniæ. f. 3. Pilus e margine frondis. f. 4 , 5 . Capsuloe.
f. 6. Semina.
This species of Trichomanes we have received both from Jamaica and from Guiana. Our specimens
from the latter country, sent to us by Mr. Parker, were accompanied by the observation,
—which is perfectly correct,—that the species approaches to the T .pyxidiferum of Swartz, and the
Trichomanes of Plumier, tab. oQ.f. E. ; but that the fronds are deltoid instead of ovato-acumiuate,
and that the involucres are invariably terminal, never “ iu axillis foliorum” as figured by Plumier
and described by Swartz : to which we may add, that Swartz speaks of the involucres as suhpedi-
ccllafe, and only margined at their base ; whereas in our plant they arc most distinctly immersed.
Hcncc wc cannot hesitate in considering the species as new, and wc arc anxious to dedicate it to
our friend Dr. Bancroft, to whom wc are indebted for a very considerable collection of the Ferns of
The plants of this species vary in size, as may be seen by the figures ; but the essential characters
are invariable throughout.
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