
- s
• í
T ab. 144.
T ab. 149.
T ab. 154.
T ab. 155.
T ab. 157.
T ab. 177.
T ab. 178.
T ab. 189.
T ab. 2 00.
„ » ™ l o . _ T h c S . . . I » o f S j lh c . refo... .o th e L . W a ll C a l N o . . = d » o ,c „ c
species. , rjy V
Fo r T richomanes incisuni (on the plate), ic a - r ( B m m F il. p . 2 2 5 .) under tlic name o f
it the .h o v e name „ f M , E cU ,. H a u l . p . 2 3 . ,. I . / comes
" r r l n - P c c L ’; h „ t l a te d o u U f .l if i. h e r e a li, th e same. I . is foand o „ the moa.h.aias
I „ s ° p ! Z . o „ /ÿ ôK .— D = ™ . x ! . „ i o g F c c e d e d us iu „pp r„p ,ia li„ g this » .m e to another species,
ô f ih im w e r e ; w . fm d te h e — F o r A « s » . o VuUl.ra, th e re fo re ,
^ : J L we h a r e don'e wro’n g in r e f e r r iu g o u r p ia u t th a . s p e e . e ^ J e a r e th e re fo re
„ . „ . , 1 tl,e p r ê te n t in d ir id a a l i . M e n a k d l in o u r E m m a a tw F . l . c n , , B o t. M ts c , , . S.
I C O N E S F I L I C U M .
Vol. Tab.
I . 99
I. 8
I. 81
. I . 21
A c r o s t i c h u j i npodum K a u l f . .............................. IAcrostic/
mm australe !.................................................... F
Aci-osticlium cei v inum Sw .............................................. IAcrosticiiuin
c ilia re Pet. T h ..................
Acrosticlium cordatum T liu n b .................................. II . Acrosticbum criuitum L ............................................... IAcrosticlium
dichotomum L ........................................... IAcrosticlium
dimorphum H . & G r . .
. I I . 145
Acrosticlium flagelliferum Wa ll. . .
Acrostichum foeniculaceum i f . & G r . ................... I . Acrosticlium glandulosum Camn.............................. I. I.
Acrosticlium hybridum B o r y . . . .
Acrosticlium Jamesoni i / .& G r . .......................... I.
Acrosticlium LangsdorlTii/ / .& G r......................... I I . 164
Aci-ostichum latifoUum Sieb...................
Acrosticlium leptopliyilum D cC ................................... I . I
Acrosticlium oUongum ? D e sv ...............
Acrosticlium obtusatum Carm. . . .
I. 22
Acrosticbum o v a t u m /i.& G r . . . .
. I I . 146
Acrosticlium paleaceum i f . & G r I I . 23 5
Acrosticlium p e tio la tim Sw........................................, I.
I . 61
Acrosticlium Raddianum H . & G r . ..................... I.
I . 4
Acrosticlium salicifoUum W illd . . . .
Acrosticlium Sieberi H . & G r . . I I . 23 7
Acrosticlium sp a tlmlinum Rad d i . . ,
Acrosticlium subcrenatum iT. & G r . . I . 110
Acrosticlium subdiaphanum H . & G r . I I . 20 5
Acrosticlium succismfolium P e t.....T h ................... I.
Acrostichum tripartitum H . & G r .
. I . 118
Acrosticlium villosum Sw........................., . . . .. I I.
. 95
Acrosticlium villosum Sieb.......................................... I.
Acrosticlium virens W a l l . ................
, , I I . 221
Acrosticlium vîscosum S w . ................................... I.
Adenophorus bipinnatus Gn?id 11.II 174
Adenophorus hymenopbylloides i î . S:Gr. . . I I . 176
Ad en o p lio n is m inutus Ga.iid I I . 176
Adenophorus Tamarisci H . & G r .
. . I I . 175
Adiantum amccmini W a ll.......................................... I. 103
A d ia n tum arcualum Sw............................................... I. 104
A d ia n tum a u r ic u la üm T ln in h ................................ I. 116
Adiantum Cliilensc ¿Tak? /!..........................................I I . 173
A d ia n tum a d tra tum W û k ] .......................................... I I . 144
Adiantum cuneatum L a n g sd . & Fiscli.......................I. 30
A d ia n tum ensifolium Poir.......................................... I . 111
Adiantum lunulntum B u rm ...................................... I . 104
A d ia n tum lu n a tum Cav............................................... I. 104
Adiantum maerophyllimi S w . ..................................I I . 132
Adiantum obliquimi W i l l d . ..................................... II . 190
Adiantum obtusum D csb.............................................. I I . 188
Adiantum pcnuidactylon L a n g s d . ....................... I. 98
A d ia n tum sa g itta iiim A u b l........................................ I . 87
A d ia n tum s im p le x ^ c . S io u n c ......................................I I. 132
Alsop liila aspcra B r . II. 2 1 3 , 2 1 4 , 215
Vol. Tau.
Also p liila P e r r in ia n a Sp reng ................................. I. 68
Aneimia adiantifolia Sw............................................. I . 16
An e im ia asp lcn ifo lia Sw............................................ I. 16
A ngiop teris erecta H o jfn i......................................... I. 3 6
A n g io p tc r is In d ica D e sv ............................................ I . 36
Antropliyuiii Boryaiuim S p re n g ............................ I. 74
Aiitrophyum pumiliim K a u l f . ............................... I. 46
A sp id ium e csculfolium VAmxi.......................................II . 22 9
Aspidium alatum ...................................................I I . 184
Aspidium caducum TTaZL..........................................II. 171
Aspidium caryotideum W a ll................................... I. 69
Aspidium coaduiiatum ITrtZ/........................................I I. 2 02
A spidium c onfer tu niAn aT/^..................................... I I. 121
Asp id ium clongaium S w ............................................. 11. 23 4
A sp id ium fr a g r a n s Sw ................................................... I. 70
Aspidium g lan d u lo sum / / .& Gr........................... II. 140
A sp id ium Go ld ia n um H o o k ........................................ I. 102
Aspidium p r o lite rum /J . & G r . ........................... I . 96
A sp id ium p u h c sce n s Sw ...................................................II . 162
Aspidium rhizopliyllum S w . ..................................... I . 59
Aspidium Singaporianum W a ll. ........................... I . 2 6
Asplénium alatum ............................................. II . 137
Asplénium anceps S o 7 « ;id .......................................... I I . 195
Asplénium atteiiuatura B r . ......................................I I . 22 0
Asp lén ium au stra le Sw ................................................ I. 8
A sp lén ium cordatum Sw ................................................. II . 156
Asp lén ium cuneatum L am . F id . Add en d, sub
1 .189.
Asp lén ium delicatuluni P r e s l ..................................... I. 92
Asplénium dentatum L .............................................. I . 72
Asplénium D o u g la s ii/ / .& G r ................................II. 150
Asplénium cnsiforme Wa ll I . 71
A s p le n iia n fa lla x L o w e I I . 195
Asp lén ium jilip cn d idoe fo lium Pet. T l i...................... I. 24
Asplén ium Fiiilaysonianum Wall. I I . 136. Vid .
A dd en d, sub 1 . 136.
Asplénium foeniculaceum H u n ib .............................. I. 92
Asplénium Gilliesianuni H . & G r ............................ I. 73
Asp lén ium G illic s ii H o o k ........................................... I. 73
A sp lén ium g la n d id o sum 'L o e s ....................................... I I . 152
Asplénium G r evillü W a l l . ..........................................I I . 22 8
Asplciiiiim im b r ic a tu in / - / .& G r . ...........................II. 165
Asp lén ium iiu cq u ïla tcra le W illd .............................. I. 1J4
Asp lén ium in te g e irim um W a ll. I I . 136. V id .
Add en d, s u b i. 136.
Asplénium laceratmn Desu. I I . 1 8 « . FiW. A d dend.
sub 1 . 189.
A.splcnium lanceum Tliunb. I. 27 . V id . Addend.
sub t. 27.
Asp leu ium Icctum S ic h .................................................... II. 2 3 9
A sp lén ium leptophyllum Cav...................................... I. 25
Asplénium M.acraei i f . & G r.................................... I I . 21 7
Aspicniuiu Magcllanicum K a u l f . .......................... I I . 180