F I L I C E S .— G y r a t æ . B r . P o l y p o d i a c e æ . K a u l f . F i l i c e s v e r æ . W illd .
G e n . C h a r . D E P A R I A , H o o k . & Grev. S o r i subglobosi in dcntibus ad margines frondis,
venulas terminantes. Involucrum infra sorum insertum, patcr ifonnc, membranaceum, margin
e sublaceratum.
D é p a r i a * Mac raei.
H a b . In Insula Owhyhcc. Maci-ae.
F ro n s simpliciter pinnata ? pinnis alternis, lineai'i-lanceolatis, sessilibus, glabris, membranaceis profunde pinnatifidis,
apice acuminatis serratis, laciniis oblongis obtusis serratis, costatis oblique nervosis. R a ch is Cosiaque primaria,
glabræ, fuscæ.
S o ri ad margines laciniarum, v en u b s vel ñervos terminantes, in serraturis siti, subglobosi.
In vo lu cm m sub sorum insertum, pateriforme, membranaceum, margine sublaceratum.
Capsula: g lobosæ, fuscæ, sublonge pedicellatæ, annulo fere completo cinctæ.
Semin a ovalia, opaca, limbata, limbo denticulato, paLlide fusco-viridia.
Fig . I . Po rtio pinnæ, cum soris. f. 2. Sorus. f. S. Capsula, f. 4 . Semina awL
W e are indebted to the liberality o f th e Horticultural S o c ie ty for th is, as we ll as for several
other new and rare Fe rns, which were gathered in different parts o f th e world b y their collector
Mr. Macrae. O f th e present individual, however, w e p o sse ss bu t a portion o f th e frond, and arc
neither able to speak as to the ex ten t to which the whole may attain, nor to th e form o f its outline
or circumscription ; nor whether, as is probable, it belongs to th e tribe o f th e tree F ei-ns. I t seems
allied to the Cyathea:: but what is th e appearance o f the involucre In a y ounge r state, as compared
with that which is here figured, we have n o means o f ascertaining. Still we p o ssess the fructification
sufficiently perfect to determine that it does n o t correspond with any h ith er to described genus
o f Ferns.
* Nonien iv Senas patera; from the singular appearance of the involucre.