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§ 11 :
H Y M E N O P H Y L L U M P E R U V I A N U M .
ITL ICES.— G y r a t æ . B r . P o l y p o d i a c e æ . K a u lf . L i u c e s v e ræ . Willd.
G e n . C i ia r . H Y M E N O P H Y L L U M , Sm. Sori marginales. Capsulæ sessiles, receptáculo
communi cylindraceo inserta», intra Involucrum bivalve, textura frondis, valvis planis, exterius
liberis. Br.
H y m e n o p h y l l u m pemivianum-, fronde oblongo-lanceolata pinnata, pinnis piimatilidis, laciniis
lato-linearibus reticulatis obtusis spiimloso-serratis, pinnarum inferiorum iionnuuquam furcatis,
involucris obovatis scmibilubiatis spinuloso-serjatis ad basiu superiorem solitariis vcl
binis ferc omnium pinnarum, raclii superiore marginata.
H a b . Ad arborum truncos in sylvis apud Esmeraldas, regno Peruviano ; alt. 5 0 0 0 pcd. Prof.
Gul. Jameson.
C a udex repens, filiformis.
S tip e s bipollicaris, gracilis, erectus, nudus.
F ro n s palmaris, circumscriptione oblongo-lanceolata, pinnata; p in n is subapproximatis, pinnatifidis, membranaceis
la x e reticulatis, siccitate fuscescentibiis; la c in iis erecto-patentibns, iato-linearibus, obtusis, spinuloso-serratis,
costatis, pinnulis inferioribus superne in involucrum nuitatis.
In vo lu c ra obovata, inferne teretia, superne compressa, semibilabiata, labiis spinuloso-serratis.
Rec ep ta a d ìim inclusum, involucro subdimidio brevius, capsulis omnino tectum.
Capsuloe globoso-compvessoe, peltatæ, reticulatæ, annulo lato completo cinctæ.
Semina angiilato-globosa, pallide flavescentia, pellucida.
F ig . 1. Po rtio pinnæ cum involucro, f . 2 . Involucri portio cum capsulis. f. 3. Capsuloe. f .4 . Semina:—magn.
This is íinothcr of tho iminy interesting novelties of this tribe, for which wc are indebted to our
valuable correspondent Professor William Jameson of Quito. It possesses a remarkable character
in the situation and direction of the involucres, for they arc placed at the base of the upper margin
of the pinna?, all pointing upwards, and as it wore in the centre of the plant, and taking the place
of laciniæ, which exist in the same situations in the sterile pinnæ.