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F I L I C E S .— G y r a t æ . B r . P o l y p o d i a c e æ . K a u l f . F i l i c e s v e r æ . IV illd .
G e n . C h a r . A S P L E N I U M , Linn. S o ri linearea, sparsi, dorsales. Involucrum e vena lateraliter
ortum ducens, margine superiore libero, l ì r .
A s p l é n i u m alatum ; fronde lanceolata pinnata apice radicante, p innis oblongo-lanceolatis duplicato-
scrratis obtusis brcviter petiolatis, raclii lineari alata.
Asplénium alatum. {H um b . et B on p l.) ÌV illd . S p . P I. v. 5. p . 3 1 9 . Humb. e t K u n th , N o v .
Gen. V. 1. p . 12. S p ren g . S y s t. V eg e t. v . 4. p . 84.
H a b . lu N o v a Andalusia, r egione temperata, prope Caripe et in declivitate montis Cocollar
usque ad altitudinem 5 0 0 hcxap. Humb. In Jamaica, D . L u n a n , H ig so n , ^ JV ile s.
S tip ite s 4— 6 pollicares, superne compressi, alati, hifeme teretes, fusel, nudi, cæspitosi atque radicantes. Ra d ic es
fibrosæ, subramosæ.
Frondes pedales et ultra, circumscriptione, lan ceo la te, pinnatæ, ubique glabræ, atro-virides, membranaceæ.
P in n æ unciam ad duas inicias longæ, altei-næ, reinotiusculæ, horizontalité!- patentes, oblong o -in nc eo la te,
obtusæ, margine duplicato-serratæ, serraturis obtusis, basi latiores, truncatæ, sursum subauriculatæ, brevissime
pe tio la te.
R a ch is compressa, margine membranaceo, viridi alato, versus apicein pinnarum denudata, ad summum apicem
S o r i numerosi, obliqui, in singula vena laterali, duas lineas longi.
Involucrum membranaceum, lineare.
Capsulæ rufo-fiiscoe.
Semin a numerosa, fusca, ovalia vel subreiiiformia, marginata, margine subecliinata.
Fig . 1, Portio pinnæ cum soris. f. 2 . Capsuloe. f. 3. Sem ina :— «mg«, auct.
It IS singular that this very str iking species o f Fern should so lo n g have remained unnoticed iu
the much frequented island o f Jamaica; and have been first brought to the k n owled ge o f botanists
by Humboldt in the province o f N ew Andalusia, upon the continent o f South America. N o r docs
It appear to be uncommon in Jamaica, if we may ju d ge from our having received it from the
three botanists above mentioned.
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