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FILICES.— G y u a t a '. . Eì-. P o l y p o d i a c e æ . K a u lf. I ^ 'i l i c e s v e ræ . ÌVilld.
Gen. C u a r . A D I A N T U M , Limi. S o ri marginales, punctiformes vel lineares. Involucrum e
margine frondis replicato, disco venoso capsulifero, limbo membranaceo libero. B r .
A d ia n t u m oblusum-, frondibus bipinnatis, pinnis e longatis strictis, pinnulis rigidis oblongis sub-
rliomboidcis obtusis petiolatis, soris transversim oblongis, rachibus omnibus hirsuto-scabris,
stipite lævi.
Adiantum obtusum. D e s v . in B e r i. M a g . p . 327- Spren g. S y s t. V eg e t. v. 4 . p . 113.
F Ia b . I u insula Sanctæ Trinitatis. R . IFoodford, E q . A u r .
S tip e s elongatus, pedalis, atro-purpureus, nitidus, dorso semicylindricus, hinc planus.
F rons circumscriptione ovata, bipinnata; p in n is digitalibus vel etiam palmaribus, lineari-oblongis, paululum attenuatis,
alternis, erecto-patentibus, strictis; p in n u lis subhorizontaliter patentibus, 3 lineas longis, rigidis, striato-
venosis, glabris, oblongis, breviter petiolatis, nunc subrhomboideis, latere inferiori dimidiato, superiori basi
truneato, integerrima, fusco-viridia. R a ch is universalis p a r tia lisq a a pube fusca scabra?.
Soì'i marginales, ad apicem et in marginem superiorem siti.
In volucra transversalia, oblonga, integerrima, fusca.
Capsula: lon ge pedicellatoe.
S emin a subglobosa, magis minusve ungulata, nunc reniformia.
Fig . 1. Pinna sorifera, cum portione rachidis. f. 2. Capsulæ. f. 3. Semina:— magn. auct.
It does not appear that any author has been acquainted with this species o f A d ian tum , except
M. Desvaux, who, in a volume o f th e B e r lin M a g a z in e o f N a tu r a l H is to r y for 1811, has published
it under th e name o f A d ian tum obtusum, but without b ein g aware o f its native country. I t was
thus with much satisfaction that we received from the lamented Sir Ralph Woodford, governor o f
the Island o f Trinidad, specimens gathered by Mr. Lockhart in that.fertile country. From one o f
th e se the figure here given was made. I t is very distinct from any other described species of. the
genus, and has rather the habit o f some Lindsea: than o f A d ia n ta in general.
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