C R Y P T O G R AM M A R R U N O N I A N A .
FILIC ES.—G y r a t æ . B r . P o l y p o d i .a c e æ . K a u lf. F i l i c e s v e r a ? . WilUi.
G e n . C h a r . C R Y P T O G R A M M A , Br. Sori l in c a r e s ( v c l s u b r o tu n d i ) v e n u l i s c o s tæ ( p in n u læ )
o b l iq u i s in s i d e n tc s . Capsuloe p e d ic e lla tæ , r e c e p t á c u l o c o m n iu n i e le v a to n u l l o . Involucrum
c o m m u n e ( p in n u læ ) m a r g i n a l e , c o n t in u u m , d i s c o v e n o s o , m a r g i n e s c a r io s o l ib e r o sæ p iu s
in d u p l i c a to ; p a r t i a l e n u l lu m .
Filiculæ glahelloe ; frondibus coespilosis bi-tripinnatijidis : ccnlralibus mulalo-contractis fertilibus,
cxierioribus sterilibus : involucris dorsum totum pinnulæ tegcntibus : capsulis breve pedicellatis,
annulo incompleto : sçomiis obtuse trigonis, lævibus. Br.
C r y p t o g r a m m a Brunoniana; frondibus sterilibus tripinnatifidis laciniis lineari-oblongis bifidis
acutissimis, fertilibus bi-tripinnatis, pinnulis oblongo-cllipticis profunde serratis, demum
(fructiferis) subintegerrimis.
Cryptogramma Brunoniana. JVallich, M S S .
H a b . In alpibus summis “ Kmnaun” dictis legit Robertus Blinhworlh A.D. 1 8 2 6 ; coiu-
mimicavit JVallich.
R a d ix coespitosa; e fibris numerosis, lon g is, filiformibus, ramosis, nigris descendentibus.
S tip ite s plurimi e x eadem radice, erecti, subteretes, glabri, digitales vel in frondibus fructiferis subpalmares.
Frondes stériles, circumscriptione ovatoe, duas vel tres uncías longoe, tripinnatifidæ, glabræ, submembranaceæ,
laciniis lineari-oblongis, acutis, integerrimis, plerumque bifidis, acutissimis, nervo medio ante apicem evanescente,
in gianduia oblonga terminante, insti’uctis : y b r ik s primum ovatoe, bi-triunciales, demum magis elon-
gatæ, bi- quandoque tri-pinnatæ, pinnulis junioribus ovato-eUipticis, profunde et acute crenato-serratls, acutis,
penninevviis, venulis simplicibus vel dichotomis, apice clavato-glandulosis, ante marginem evanescentibus :
fm c tific a n tc s margine seu involucro revoluto subintegerrimo, oblongoe, tandem, capsulis maturis, marginibus
explanatæ. R a ch is ubique tenui-alata, glabra.
Soì-i oblongi, e x apicibus clavatis venularum progredientes, demum totam fere paginam inferiorem pinnulæ tegentes.
Inwlucì-um commune, e margine lato subintegro revoluto usque ad nervum medium attingente formatum, submembranaceum,
demum explanatum.
Capstdæ brevissime pedicellatoe, g lobosoe, fuscæ, annulo lato fere completo cinctæ.
Semb la numerosa, pallide fusca, obtuse trigona.
Fig . 1. Pianta {magn. n a l.) cum fronde sterili, fronde fertili juniore et frondibus tribus fructiferis magisque elongatis.
f. 2. Portio frondis sterilis. f. 3. Pinnoe frondis fertilis junioris. f. 4. Pin na fructífera, margine seu
involucro iiondum explanato, f. 5. Po rtio pinnæ fructiferoe marginibus explanatis, sorisque in couspectu
provenientibus :—magn. auct.
Amongst the extensive and valuable collection of Asiatic Ferns made by Dr. Wallich under the
direction of the Honourahlc the Directors of the East India Company, and which have hccn
so liberally tendered to the use of the present work, few have given us more pleasure than a
species of Cryptogramma,—the suhject of the present plate,—which was detected on the lofty
“ Kumaim,” a part of the great range of the Himala mountains, by Robert Blinkworth, one of the
collectors in the employ of the Botanic Garden at Calcutta, under Dr. Wallich. And this too,
though from so very remote a country, is yet almost identical with that of Nootka Sound and Subarctic
America. The only difterencc exists in the sterile fronds : for the young state of the fertile
fronds is exactly similar to the sterile ones of C. aa'ostichoides.
Dr. Wallich accompanied the specimens with the remark, “ Dcdicavi speciem conditori generis
immortali, amico cestimatissiinoand we think ourselves honoured iu being permitted to give
publicity to so interesting a plant, which hears the name of the greatest Botanist of this or any
other age or country.
Since the above was written, wc have received still another species of Cryptogramma from the
vicinity of Quito, and which we propose naming after its discoverer Professor William Jameson of
Quito. Its character may stand thus :
C r y p t o g r a m m a frondibus fertilibus tri-subquadripinnatis, pinnulis linearibus ohtusis
rachique alata glanduloso-ciliatis.
H a b . In rupihus propc urhcm Quito.
Numerous fronds spring from the same root; hut in our specimens there arc no barren ones.
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