
t i!
A D E N O P H O R U S B I P I N N A T U S .
F IL IC E S— G y r a t æ . B r . P o l y p o d i a o e æ . K a u lf . F i i i c e s Yeræ. Willd.
Gen. C h a e . A D E N O P H O R U S , Gaudich. Sori subrotundi, solitarii, suhtcrminalcs, apici Ycnæ
in receptaculum dilatato, irrcgnlarltcr bilobo insidentcs. Capsuloe glandulis stipitatis intcrmixtæ.
Indusium nullum. Frondes utrinque glandulosoe. Gaudich.
A d e n o p h o r u s hijñnnatus-, frondibus lanceolatis bipiniiatis (potius bipinnatifidis), laciniis lineari-
cluvatis decurrentibus, stipite ter e te obscure marginato.
Adenophorus bipinnatus. Gaudich. in Feyc in. Voy. Bot. v. 1. p . 3 6 5 . t. 8 . / . 2.
I - I a e . In Insulis tropicis Maris Pacifici. Apud Ofaheite, primum d etex it amiciss. Mmaies.
In su lis Sandviccnsibus, ait. 4 0 0 ad 4 5 0 hexapod. Gauikhand; Macrae, præcipue in insula
“ 'Whoohahoo" dic ta; L a y e t Collk in exp cd ition e spcculatoria Bcechcy,ana.
Caudex repens, crassiuscuhis, squamis subulatis paleaceis, fuscis, nitidis, dense obsitus.
S tip e s biuncialis ad digitaîem, erectus, teres, utrinque loeviter margi natus.
I r o n s circumscriptione lanceolata, basi apiceque attenuata, fuscescens, rigida, digitalis ad palmarem, bipinnata,
pinnis patentibus, oblongo-acuminatis, subunciam lon g is. P in n u læ v e l la c in iæ etiam patentes, 2 3 lineas
longoe, lineari-clavatoe, remotiusculoe, crassiuscuîæ, subtus uninerves, inferne subdecurrentes, integerrimoe,
nunc, raro, inferiores bifidæ, utrinque glandulis v e l squamis clavatis, arete appressis, sed, subtus præcipue,
tec toe. R a ch id e s squamulosoe.
S o r i rotundati, subglobosi, prominentes, solitarii sub apicem dilatatum laciniarum, præcipue pinnaram superiorum.
Capsulæ fuscæ, lon g e pedicellatoe, annulo fere completo cinctæ, glandulis clavatis (capsulis abortivb) immLxtæ.
S emin a sphærica, pellucida, intus medio massa viridescente repleta.
F ig . 1. Pinna, f. 2 . Pinnula vel lacinia sorifera. f. 3 . Ap e x laciniæ, capsulis glandulisque plerisque desumtis.
f. 4 . Idem, a facie superiore visus, f. 5. Squamuloe frondis. f. 6. Capsula cum glandulis clavatis sori.
f. 7. Semina -.— magn. auct.
The pre sent is perhaps the m o st frequent o f the five species that are now enumerated o f this singular
genus. I t ex ists in the collec tions o f almost all the travellers who visit the islands o f the
Pacific, situated within the tropics : it has existed in th e rich herbarium o f our invaluable friend
Mr. Men zies ever since th e year 1792, when h e gathered it in Otahcitc during the v o yage o f Captain
V an cou v e r; and it has by him been distributed am on g other botanists : but it appears to be
particularly abundant in the Sandwich island group, north o f the equator. T h e h abit o f this
genus is so unlike that o f Polypodium, to which it would, upon a sligh t inspection o f the sori be
referred, that Gaudicliaud has done w ise ly in con stitu tin g it a new genus. Its habit is quite peculiar,
th ou gh it must be confessed that the g eneric marks are n o t very decisive. T he irregularly 2-Iobcd
r eceptacle o f the capsules wc do n o t distinguish. To us the sorus seems to spring from one common
p oint at the extremity o f the nerve or midrib.