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J AM E S O N I A P U L C H R A .
F IL IC E S .—G y e a t æ . B r . P o l y p o d i a c e æ . K a u lf. F i l i c e s v e ræ . WiUd.
G e n . C h a h . J A M E S O N I A N ob is. Sori solitarii in medio pinnarum ad basin vcnarnm inserti,
pills irnmcroslssimis eompressis immersi. Inmlu cnm contlnnmn, membranaceum, e margino
rctroflexo pinnæ, demum a capsulis remotum. Capsuloe subsessiles. Semina triangularla.
perpuldira, simpliciter pinnata, pinnis coriaceis suhflabellifonnihus.
J a m e s o n i a pulchra.
H a b . In M on te Cayambe Peruvianorum ; ad ait. 1 2 ,0 0 0 p c d . leg it e t coinm im ica ïit Clarlss.
Gu/. Jameson, Professor.
S tip e s digitalis c l ultra, erectus, flexuosus, prinium, u t videtur, pilosas, demom g k b e r tim n s, nitidus, atro-purpureus.
F ro n t linearis, simplex, erecta, spithamma, p.arte superiore et juniore pilis folvis densissime lanata, ¡implicite.- pin-
P in n a : 2 - 3 - l in e a r e s , potentes, nonnunquam reflexoe, breviter petiolatæ, pe tio lo g l.b er rim o fusco, remforml-
flabelllformes, rigida., facie si.perlo.-e convexa., glaberrimæ, ¡ubradi.itim e l dichotome nervoso., nervis im-
p.-ess.s, marginibus reHexis et ob ñervos impressos crenatis, inferno pilis numerosis, folvis, longis, eompressis,
articulatis tectoe. R a ch is pills fulvis intertextis dense obsita.
M a r m o , continuum e marginis intlexi portione pinnoe, o t videtur, formatum, et nostris exemplaribus a capsulis
S o ri solitarii in singula pinna, ejusque basi inserta, versus apicem petioìi, subglobosi, pilis immersi.
Capsula obovato-globos.a, fere omnino sessilis, annulata, annulo fere completo cincta.
Semin a subtriangularin, angulis obtusis, pellucida, pallide flavo-fuscescentia.
F ig . I . Po rtio rachidis cum pinnis duabus. f. 2. Pin na sorifera, a dorso visa. f. 3. Involucri portio. f. 4. Pili,
f. 5. Capsnlæ. f. 6 . Sem ina:—ìiiagn. auct.
The prcscut liigh ly curious F e n . wns commuiiicntcd to us by Professor W illiam Jameson o f
Q uito ; anti, b ein g unable to refer it satisfactorily to any hither to described genus, we have ventured
to constitute a new one o f it, wl.lch we dedicate to its discoverer, wlio is pursning his scientific
researches in South America with unabated zeal. The on ly specimens, however, which we have yet
had the g o od fortune to receive arc th e two that are here represented, and the details arc all that wc
can at this time offer. Individuals in a ...o r e or in a le ss advanced state m igh t enable ns to reform
onr g eneric character, which is by n o means so satisfactory as wc could wish. The situation o f the
sorus, as wc have hitherto se en it, is indeed very remarkable, and at such a distance fro... the Involucre
that it scarcely seems to be connected with i t ; and yet, that the inflcxed and dilated portion
o f th e margin o f th e pirn... is to he lo o k ed upon as a real Involnere, analogy will scarcely p ermit us
to doubt. T h is involucre resembles that o f a P tm is so much, that were the capsules inserted bcneatli
it, wc m igh t have considered onr phmt to be lon g to that g e n u s ; alth ou gh the curious fulvous hairs,
which abound on tlils pl.aiit, and the whole habit, proclaim it to be entirely sui generis.
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