
A S P L E N I U M O B T U S I F O L I UM .
F I L I C E S . - G y r a t j e . B r . P oE Y PO D iA C E iE . K a u l f . F i i iC E s v e roe . W i lld ., S p r e n g .
G en C h a r . A S P L E N W M , Linn. S a r i lineares, sparsi, dorsales. Involuorum lateraliter ortnm
ducens, margine superiore libero. B r .
A s e l e n iu « . o b tm iß lium ; frondibus pinnatis pinnis alternis OYato-oblongls teaul-membranaeeis snb
p e lln cd ts sesstbbns obtnsis sinnatis crenatis basi superiore aurieulatis lufcr.ore euncatis, rachi
Asp leu ium obtusifolium. L in n . ,Sp. P l . p . H,3S. S w a r lz , S yn . FU. p . ■¡3. W illd . S p . P l v S
p . S l i . S p ren g . S y .u .V e g e t.v . i . p . 33.
Asplenium lætum. Sieb. S yn . F il. N o . 199. (iion Stvartz).
Lonchitls aquatica membrana tenui co n te sta . P lum . FU. p . i l . t.& L
H a b . Iu India Occidentali; Insula Martiuicæ. P lum ie r ; Sieber. Insula Cubæ. Sp ren g e l
Insula Donünicæ. K r a u s , M .D . *
Caudex repens, squamosus, inferne radicans.
Stipes digitalis, compressus, liiuc subsulcatus, glaber, nudus.
Frons oblougo-o™,., pinnata; pinnis snb.esquinndam longis, membransceo-pellacidi., mi„„,o reticulatis. glaber-
rnuis, ovato-oblongis, obtnsis, sinnato-crenatis deata.isque, tenni-cos.atis, venosis; basi superiore anricnialis
inferiore oblique cuneatis. Rachis glabra, alato-marginata.
Sori lineari-oblongi.
Involucrum lineare, tenue, integerrimum.
Capsuloennmvoswi, fuscæ, globosæ, annulatæ, longe pedicellatoe.
Semina globosa, viridi-fusca, sub summa lente hispidula.
Kg. 1. Portio pinnæ cum soris. f. 2. Portio frondis o„m reticnlatione. £ 3. Capsulæ. £ 4. Semina ;-,,,n g „ . auct.
This species o f Aepteuiusn, lo n g ago figured b y Plumier, bears iu many respects a considerable
resemblattee to A .m a rm u m ; but its fronds are broader and shorter, the pinnæ have qnite a diffe-
rent texture, b e in g remarkably tl.in , membranaceons and pellncid, and instead o f r egn k r scrraturcs
th e margtn ts slnnato-dentate, the te e th form in g so many irregular small .angles. I t appears, both
from .ts Itab.t and from what Plumier says o f its place o f growth, to be almost an .aquatic fern
" I t IS found," observes that author. " at the sources o f b rooks, npon m o ist and m o ssy rocks I
have even seen i , in the water itse lf o f a spring upon the summit o f the Calebasse mountain in
r r i