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FILIC ES .—G v e a tæ . B r . P o l y p o d i a c e ® . K a u lf. F i l i c e s v e ræ . WilU.
G e n . C h a r . A S P L E N IU M , Linn. Sori lincares, sparsi, dorsales. Imolntrum o vena lateraliter
ortum ducens, margine superiore libero. B r.
A s p l é n iu m obovatum-, fronde lanceolata bipinnata, pinnis obovatis oblongisve plcrisque confluen-
tibus obsolete crenato-dentatis, soris distinctis.
Asplénium obovatum. Fiviani Fl. Lib. Speàm. p . 68. ' Spreng. Syst. Feget, v. 4. p . 88.
H a b . In Corsica; in Monte “ La Trinità.” Fiviani. In rupibus propc Laconi. Muller.
R a d ix densissime coespitosa, e fibris numerosis, valde implicatis, ramosis, subtomentosis.
S tipes uncialis ad biuncialem, erectus, flexuosus, superne viridis, basi nigro-fuscus, nitidus, nudus.
F r o m digitalis ad palmarem, circumscriptione lanceolata, bipinnata, pinnis primariis horizontalibns, unciam iongis,
oblongis, basi pinnatis, superne pinnatifidis, pinnulis obovatis vel oblongis, v ix petiolatis, obtusis, obsolete
crenato-dentatis, laciniis rotundatis, obtusis. •
S o ri oblongi, demum convexi, remoti, distincti, nunquam confluentcs.
Involucrum parvum, Hneari-oblongum, demum capsulis numerosissimis obliteratum.
Capsula globosoe, longe pedicellatoe.
Semina globosa, fusca, marginata, margine, vel limbo, pellucido, crenato.
Fig. 1. Pinna, f. 2 . Capsuloe. f. 3. Semina:— awc/.
This is one of the many rare plants for which the Herbaria of F.uropean Botanists are indebted to
the German “ Utûo Itiu erarial Viviani first described it as a native of Corsica ; and Muller (one
of the collectors of the above-mentioned valuable Institution) detected it on rocks near Laconi in
The general habit of the fully grown plant resembles the Asplmium laneeolatum ; but the acute
segments to the pinnules and lobes of that plant will always distinguish them. In the younger
specimens, before the pinnæ are fully developed, they are simply pinnated, and in that state tl
plant has a great affinity with Asptenimn viridc.