II m
P O L Y P O D I U M P A R K E R I .
F I L I C E S .— G y r a t æ . B r . P o l y p o d i a c e æ . K a u lf . F i l i c e s v e ræ . B r .
G e n . C h a r . P O L Y P O D IU M , Liun. Sori subrotundi (scriati, sparsi vel conferti). Involucrum
nullum. Br.
P o l y p o d iu m Parkeri; frondibus pinnatis pinnis lato-lineari-lanceolatis coriaceis nitidis glabris
parallclo-venosis basi subinæquilaterali acutiusculo petiolatis brevi-acuminatis serratis versus
apicem præcipue soris pilis innuraerosis niixtis costam approximatis, sub-biscrialibus spur-
Trichoptcris n. sp. Parker, M S S.
II a b . Prope flumcn Mazaronie in Guiana. Dom. Parker.
C a u d e x ?
S t ip e s ................... ?
F ro n s ampin, pinnata; p in n is siibvemotis, patentibus, spitlmmæis ad pedalem lato-lineari-lanceolatis, rigidis,
tenui-coriaceis, nitidis, costatis; costa subtus valde prominente; puicherrime horizontaliter parallelim venosis;
venis approximatis simplicibus vel furcatis, ad marginem attingentibus; breviter subanguste attenuatis, serratis
versus apicem præcipue; basi inæquilaterali; breviter petiolatis, glaberrimis. R a ch is lævis, glabra,
dorso semiteres, facie superne plana, subcanaliculata.
S o r i lanosi, numerosi, semper costæ approximati, sub-biseriales sparsique, serie unica costæ contigua, altera
magis interrupta, e costa remota.
Capsula: 15—2 0 in singulo soro, pilis innumerosis eompressis subclavatis duplo longioribus immixtoe, subrotundoe,
brevi-pedicellatæ, grosse reticulatæ, annoio magno incompleto cinctæ.
Fig . 1. Portio frondis cum soris. f . 2 . Sorus. f. 3. Capsuloe:— tnagn.auct.
Mr. Parker, to whom we arc indebted for onr knowledge of this splendid Fern, had rightly determined
It to belong to the genus Trichopteris of Presl, and to be a new species. That genus
however, depending for its character solely upon the hairs which are mixed with the capsules of
the sori, can hardly be considered as really distinct from Polypodium. Since our figure of it was
engraved, we have seen specimens which have the pinnæ nearly twice as large as those we have
represented. Tlic sori originate in two scries near the lower part of the lateral veins ; one series
placed very near to the midrib, the other at some distance from it, and much more irregular in the
disposition of its sori. Between these two series, and a little beyond the outer one, other sori are
indiscriminately scattered.
In the Trichopteris excelsa of Presl (tlic Polypodium Corcovadense of Raddi, and tlie P . Toenitis
of Roth), the sori arc arranged in a single scries, on each side, between the midrib and the
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