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JttKGiRMis».*, caule prostrato, simpliciusculo: folüs rotunda to-quadra tis, luferioribus bifidis,
reliquis tri-quadrifidis : fru c tu te rm in a li; calycibus obiongo-ovatjs, su b plic a tis; ore contracte,
HSB. Cadnam Bog, New Fore st, H an ts, and L yndhurst Race-course, in the same county.
Mr. Lyell.— On a rock in a dry mountainous situation near B antry, Ireland, dfiss Hulchim.
P l iS T g rowing in very small pale-green patches, on a turfy soil, and having much th e general
appearance o f small tu fts o f J . incisa.
R o d e ra th e r numerous, proceeding from nearly th e whole len g th o f th e underside o f tire
s tem , pellucid, simple, fibrous.
Stems a qua rte r o f a n inch or ra re ly ha lf an inch long, ra th e r s to u t in proportion to their
le n g th , almost always simple (in one o t two Instances, only, I have observed a solitary
la te ra l shoot, f. 1) : th e color greenish, sometimes, b u t especially towards th e base, dingy
b row n : th e ZexZure remarkably fragile.
Leaves ra th e r closely ranged in two rows, sometimes p a ten t or nearly horizontal, a t othe r
times, and generally (f. 3) nearly e rect, o f a roundish figure, approaching to q uadra te ;
those a t the base smallest and simply bifid, whilst the rest gradually increase in size as they
approach th e extremity, and are both trifid and quadrifid ; th e segments unequal, a little
waved and acute. At th e very apex, particularly o f the sterile shoots, the leaves are
collected in to a head or cluste r, whence th e specific name. T h e ir textvre is delicate, and
th e cellules la rge in proportion lo th e size o f th e plant, o f a roundish shape, o r often, as
Mr. Lyell rema rks, tru ly hexangular. T h e ir color is ra th e r a pale yellow-green.
F e richHial leaves large, with four or five, very unequal, incurved segments (f. f. 7. 8).
M a le F r u c t if ic a t io n u n k n ow n .
F em a l e F r u c t if ic a t io n te rm in a l .
Calyx large for so small a p lan t, oblongo-ovate, greenish, a little diaphanous towards the
extremity, and plic a te ; a t th e mouth somewhat contracted, and very unequally toothed.
Peduncle a q u a rte r o f a line long, white, cellulose, a little waved.