[ 2006 ]
1IYPNUM pulchcllum.
Beautiful Tufted Feather-moss.
G en. Char. Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fringe of 16 teeth, dilated at the base :
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stems erect, tufted. Branches cylindrical,
simple. Leaves ovato-lanceolate, taper-pointed, ribless,
somewhat inclining to one side. Capsule upright.
Lid conical.
Syn. Hypnum pulchellum. Dicks. Crijpl. fasc. 2. 13.
t. 5 .f. 6. II. Sice. fuse. 9. 22. Sm. M. Brit. 1277.
With. 847. Hull. 269. Turn. Muse. Hib. 136.
Leskea pulchella. Iledw. Sp. Muse. 220. t. 55.
f - 1 — 12. _ _ _ _ _ '
G a t h e r e d last summer by Mr. Borrer and Mr. Hooker
in the Den of Rechip, Perthshire, already celebrated in botanic
story for producing Conuallaria verticillata, t. 128.
This is truly an elegant moss, consisting of dense tufts, an
inch and half high, conspicuous for their light and splendid
green colour. The branches are numerous', alternate, upright,
simple and cylindrical. Leaves imbricated, rather inclining
to one side, shining, ovato-lanceolate, concave, entire,
taper-pointed, finely reticulated, without any rib, though
occasionally marked with a plait. Sheaths solitary, from the
base of the stem or branches, small, consisting of a few
pointed, keeled, pellucid scales. Fruitstalks rising mucp
above the stems, capillary, red, especially in the lower pa|t,
bulbous at the base. Capsule nearly erect, oblong-pitcher -
shaped, pale brown, finely reticulated, insomuch that should
the veil be foUtrd to countenance the measure, I should be
glad to remove this species to Hookeria, where it has perhaps
as good a right to be placed as my H. uncinata, Tr. of L. Soc.
v. 281. t. 23. f . 4. The lid is conical, much shorter than
the capsule. Outer fringe yellowish; twice as long, white,
with uniform teeth. Veil unknown.