C| (o. C 3 89 ]
B R Y U M aureum.
Golden Bryum.
C R Y P T O G A M I A Mufci.
Gen. Char. Capf. with a lid. Ve il fmooth. Flower-
Jlalk from a terminal tubercle.
S p e c . C h a r . C a p fu le d ro o p in g , p e a r - fh a p e d w ith a
f lr id tu r e in th e m id d le . L e a v e s b r iftle - fh a p e d .
Syn. B ry um a u r e um . Hudf. FI. A n . 4 8 7 . Dickf. H .
Sicc. fa fc . 8. 1 9 .
A r r . v. 3 . 89.
M n iu m p y rifo rm e . Linn. Sp. P L 1 0 6 . W itb .B o t.
B . tr ic h o d e s a u r e um , c a p fu lis p irifo rm ib u s n u t a n t i -
b u s . D ill. Mufc. 3 9 1 . t. 50. f . 60.
T H E rare and elegant little mofs here delineated was originally
found by Dr. Deering on the rocks of Nottingham-park,
and fent by him to Dillenius. Mr. Hudfon feems never to have
gathered it. Mr. Crowe and Mr. Dickfon found it fome years
ago in Surrey, and Dr. Smith met with it very unexpectedly in
1790, as well as repeatedly fince, on the infide of the walls of
fome frames for green-houfe plants, in the garden of Meflfs. Lee
and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, perfecting its capfules in July, as
the Rev. Mr. Wood of Leeds likewife obferved them in Wales.
The Items grow ereCt, in little tufts, to the height of f of an
inch, and are clothed with light green, very delicate and flender,
tapering, entire leaves, fome of the uppermoft of which are
much longer than the reft, forming a tuft or ftar, in the centre
of which ftand the antherse in fome individuals, and in others the
fruit-ftalk (for fo the peduticulus may properly be called in this
tribe), which arifes, from an oblong tubercle, to the height of
above an inch. This ftalk is capillary, flightly waved, of a vivid
gold or orange colour. Capfules pear-fhaped, green when
young, ripening into the fame bright colour as the ftalk, clofed
with an hemifphterical lid, covered when young with a white
flender veil, which Dillenius never faw. The capfule is bordered
with 16 fpreading white teeth, and clofed with other unequal
ones befides, according to Hedwig’s character of Bryum.