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Holt Jungermannia,
Gen. Char. Male flowers sessile. A nthers stalked.
Capsule on a stalk, rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
Spec.Char. Ascending,simple or branched. Leaves in
two rows, turned upwards, ovate, concave, sharply
cloven. Stipulas minute, ovqte, divided. Sheaths
on short branches, terminal, nearly cylindrical,
even, toothed,
Syn. Jungermannia Francisci. Hooker B rit. Jung,
t. 49. <
T h e Rev. R. B. Francis is justly commemorated in the name
of this species, as having made several discoveries in the history
of the genus to which it belongs, and as having first found the
present plant about his residence at Holt and Edgefield, Norfolk.
We have it also from Hampshire and Ireland.
The tufts formed by this Jungermannia often assume a
brownish, or purple, tinge. The stems, about half an inch long,
creep in their lower part, then turn upward, and become divided,
being of a fleshy texture, clothed with two rows of small
ovate leaves, deeply and acutely notched at the ends, all turned
more or less into an erect position. Along the under side is a
row of small cloven stipulas. At the ends of some short branches,
among several enlarged crowded leaves, stand the nearly cylindrical
and even sheaths, which are much longer than the leaves,
and unequally toothed at the margin.
Mr. Hooker expresses some suspicion that this may be
J. lifida of Schmidel’s leones, t. 62. f. 19, 20, and t. 64. f. 2 ;
but that accurate and laborious author’s omission of the stipulas
seems to preclude such an idea.