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HYPNUM undulatum.
Wzved Feather-mofs.
G en. Ch a r . Fringe d o u b le : outer o f 16 tapering
teeth : inner a toothed membrane. Flowers lateral.
Fruit-Jlalk from a fcaly fheath.
Spec. Char. Stem procumbent, moderately branched.
Leaves imbricated in two principal rows, waved,
entire, without a main rib.
Sy n . Hypnum undulatum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1589.
Hedw. Sp. Mufc. 242. Hudf. 495. With. 849.
Hull. 2.69 Lightf. 744. Dick/. H. Sicc.fafc. 6. 22.
Ehrh. Crypt. 26.
H . pennatum undulatum, lycopodii inftar fparfum.
Dill. Mufc. 271. t. 36. f . 11.
H . repens crifpum, cauliculis compreffis, lycopodii
in morem per terram fparfis. Raii Syn. 88.
E are happy to lay before the public a figure of this elegant
Hypnum, which is very rarely found in fructification,
and of which no plate occurs in the works of Hedwig. It is
peculiar to dry mountainous woods. The fruit we have obtained
from Bingley woods, Yorkfliire, by favour of the Rev.
Mr. Hailftone, and it has alfo been obligingly communicated
to us from Ireland, by Dr. Scott and Mr. Templeton. It is
produced from April to Auguft.
This fpecies is eafily known by its large fize, and delicate
pale-green or whitith colour. The Items grow proftrate, and
are irregularly, but not very copioufly, branched. Leaves
imbricated in two principal rows, comprefied, lanceolate, entire,
tranfverfely waved, without a central rib, but with a pair of
minute veins at the bafe. Fruit-ftalks folitary, each from a
lateral fcaly bud. Capfule oblong, curved and furrowed when
ripe. Outer fringe of 16 fhortim teeth : inner a white membrane
cut into 16 narrow teeth with notches between them.
Lid with a curved beak not half fo long as the capfule.