Zt> Oj [ 2537 ]
JUNGERMANNIA serpyllifolia.
Thyme-leaved Jungermannia.
CRYPT0GAM1A Hepatica?.
Gen. Char. Male flowers sessile. Anthers stalked.
Capsule on a stalk, rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
Spec. Char. Creeping, slender, irregularly pinnate,
wavy. Leaves spreading in two rows, unequally
two-lobed, rounded, tumid at the base; side-lobe
minute, involute. Scales deeply and sharply
cloven. Sheaths lateral, obovate, with five angles,
and a close mouth. Fruitstalk jointed.
Syn. Jungermannia serpyllifolia. Dicks. Crypt, fasc.
4 . 1 9 . Hooker Brit. Jung. t. 42.
J . minima, foliis auritis ex rotunditate acuminatis,
punctatis ac veluti perforatis, floribus virescen-
tibus, vagina cordiformi. Mich. Gen. 9 . t. 6 . ƒ. 1 9 .
Lichenastrum, &c. Dill. Muse. 4 99. t. 7 2. f . 30.
O n the trunks of trees among mosses, not very uncommon, as
it should seem from the various places in Ireland, Scotland, Yorkshire,
Cumberland and Hampshire, cited by Mr. Hooker. Our
specimens were gathered by Miss Hutchins, near Bantry. Dil-
lenius only copied Micheli, with unauthorized doubts as to his
This plant grows in densely imbricated patches, of a light green;
each individual repeatedly branched and irregularly pinnate,
hardly an inch long, and very slender. Leaves two-ranked, vertical,
obovate, rounded, entire; with a small involute side-lobe at
the slightly tumid base. Seales rather small, rounded, acute,
sharply and deeply cloven. Sheaths lateral, top-shaped, fiveangled,
abrupt, with a close, slightly toothed orifice ; their base
accompanied by elongated flattened leaves. Fruitstalk jointed.
Capsule pellucid, globular, the valves not spreading. Seeds and
their spiral filaments enclosed in tubes, sticking to the valves, as
drawn by Micheli, and in the magnified figure which we copy
from Mr. Hooker.