Z o o [ 2 5 1 7 ]
CRYPT0GAM1A Hepaticce.
Gen. C har. Male flowers sessile. A n t h e r s stalked.
C a p s u l e on a stalk, rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
S e e d s attached to elastic filaments.
Spec. Char. Tufted, somewhat branched. Leaves
two-ranked, ascending, roundish, undulated, with
several distant sharp teeth. Scales acutely toothed.
Sheaths terminal, angular.
Syn. Jungermannia quinquedentata. H u d s . 511.
L i n n . S p . P l . 1598. W i t h . 8 7 1 . H u l l . 2 7 8 . L i g h t f .
775. . M Lichenastrum multifidum majus, ab extremitate
florens. D i l l . M u s e . 4Q4. t . 71 f - 23.
L. trichomanis facie, foliolis multifidis, capitulis e
summis ramulis nascentibus. D i l l i n R a i l S y n .
(jA TH ER ED , in August 1788, by the late Mr. R. Teesdale
on the high rocks of Cromford moor, near Matlock. Mr. Turner
has communicated a specimen with anthers, sent by Miss
Hutchins from Bantry. Mr. Hooker observes that it is very
common in mountainous countries, but he has never met with the
female fructifications; which Dillenius says are found in the
spring, the sheaths being angular, with a toothed contracted
This plant grows in very.broad, dense, yellowish-green, soft,
cushion-like patches, composed of innumerable crowded ascending
leafy stems, about two inches long, simple or branched.
Leaves imbricated in two rows, turned to the upper side, alternate,
roundish-ovate, undulated, with two, three, four, or five
distant, broad, sharp, spreading teeth. Along the under side of
the branch is a row of small,- acute, finely toothed, stipulaceous
scales,- not always readily to be seen. Anthers axillary, among
the upper leaves. Dillenius quotes, and unjustly criticises, Mi-
cheli’s t. 6. f. 2, which belongs to a very different species. See
J. radkans, t. 2232,
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