Gen. Char. Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fr in g e of 16 teeth, dilated at the base :
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stem erect. Branches short. Leaves
lanceolate, pointed, striated. Capsule oblong, curved
and inclining.
Syn. Hypnum nitens. Schreb. Lips. 92, Sm. FI. B rit.
1316. L in n .J il. Meth. Muse. 34. Hedw. Sp.
Muse. 255. Dicks. Crypt.fase. 2. 12. H. Sice,
fa s e . 1. 24. With. 852. Hull. 270.
H . palustre erectum trichodes, ramulis crebris, luteo-
et rufo-virentibus, glabris. Dill. Muse. 303. t. 39.
ĥ 37.
GATHERED by the Rev. Mr. Dalton in marshy ground
between Copgrove and the river Ure, Yorkshire, in May 1800.
It is among the rarer species of Hypnum.
The stems are erect, from 4 to 8 inches high, throwing out
numerous, short, spreading, leafy, simple branches. Leaves
conspicuous for their shining yellow colour, imbricated, lanceolate,
pointed, entire, marked with 3 or 5 longitudinal
plaits. Sheaths from the main stem, solitary, oblong and
tapering, of many similarly plaited leaves. Fruitstalks slender,
variously bent, 2 inches long, red, smooth. Capsule inclining,
oblong, curved, smooth, red-brown. Lid conical, acute,
short. .