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J U N G E RM A N N I A Hookeri,
Hookerian Jungermannia.
CRYPT0GAM1A Hepaticce.
Gen. Char. Male flowers sessile. Anthers stalked.
Capsule on a stalk, rising from a sheath,of 4 valves.
■Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
Spec. Char. Erect, scarcely branched. Leaves imbricated,
concave, wavy, two- or three-lobed ; the
lower ones undivided. Sheaths terminal, cylindrical,
jagged. Elastic filaments turned upwards,
crowning the open capsule.
F o u n d hitherto only by C. Lyell, Esq. to whom we are
obliged for this interesting communication, and who, with the
consent of Mr. Hooker, gave it the above name, the species
being allowed by him to be unquestionably new.
It appears to be extremely rare, growing intermixed with
«ƒ. multifida, t. 186, at the side of a ditch near the private road
from Cadnam to Paultons in the New Forest.
The root is creeping, consisting of fleshy branching fibres.
Stem simple or branched, erect, of humble growth, surrounded
on all sides by loosely imbricated concave leaves, which greatly
vary in figure ; the lower ones are nearly oval, and entire ; upper
larger, frequently obovate, pointed, their margin undulated and
lobed of bluntly toothed. Anthers axillary. Sheath terminal,
cylindrical, tom at the mouth. Fruitstalk rather thick. Capsule
oblong, pale brown, bursting into four valves, which, as Mr. Lyell
remarks, “ frequently appear as but two, their tips being held
together by the elastic filaments, which turn upwards, and form
a tuft on the open capsule.”—These specimens were gathered
December 21, 1812.