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[ 2434 ]
BRYUM stellare.
Starry-leaved Thread-moss.
Gen. Char. Outer fr in g e o f 16 teeth, b ro ad at the
base: inner a toothed membrane. Flowers terminal.
Capsule ovate-oblong, smooth. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stem branched. Leaves ovate, p o in ted,
reticula ted with roundish interstices; the
u p p e r ones serrated an d stellate. Capsule oblong,
Syn. Bryum stellare. Roth. Germ. v. 3. 240.- Sm.
FI. B r it. 1367.
B. proliferum, var. 2. Hull. 266.
B. serpyllifolimn e. Huds. 492.
B. stellare roseutn pendulum minus, capsulis et
setis longioribus. Dill. JVIusc. 412. t. 52. f . 78.
B. roseum minus, foliis subrotundis. R a ii Syn. 92.
M n ium stellare. Hedw. Sp. JVlusc. 191. t. 45.ƒ. 1— 4.
M . proliferum, var. 2. With. 807.
P o u n d occasionally in woods, and moist heathy spots.
The stem is an inch or two high, branched in a determinate
manner, leafy and perennial, with many rusty radicles. Leaves
light green, ovate or obovate with a short point, and a strong
red rib. Under a magnifier they are found beautifully reticulated
with roundish interstices. The lower ones are entire;
the uppermost are crowded and stellate, and their tips are more
or less serrated.- Fruitstalk solitary, two inches high, smooth,
ratherstiff, not quite straight. Capsule pendulous, cylindrical
inclining to obovate. Lid hemispherical with a small