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BRYUM julaeeuin.
Slender-branched Thread-moss.
Gen. Char. Outer fringe of 16 teeth, broad at the
base ; inner a toothed membrane. Flowers terminal.
Capsule ovate-oblong, smooth. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stem branched from the base. Leaves
ovate, concave, imbricated, obtuse, pointless.
Capsule club-shaped, pendulous.
Syn. Bryum julaceum. Schrad. Spicil. 70. Sm. FI.
Brit. 1357.
B. filiforme. Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 4. 16.
B. argenteum /3. Linn. Sp. PI. 1586. Huds. 489.
With. 839. Hull. 256.
B. pendulum, surculis teretibus viridibus. Dill.
JHusc, 394, t. 50. ƒ. 63.
B. trichodes, capitulis reflexis, viridissimum liolo-
sericeum. Dill. Giss. 226. app. 8 6 . t. 2. f. F.
D lL L E N IU S says he gathered this on the gravel walks of
the Oxford garden. Mr. Dickson found it in moist rather
mountainous places in Scotland, and our specimens were gathered
by Mr. G. Don on the mountain of Clova in Angus-
shire, in July or August.
This elegant species has been supposed a variety of B. argenteum,
1 .1602, but without much examination. It is much
larger, with long slender erect and acute branches, forming
dense tufts, of a bright silky green, not silvery. Leaves small,
closely imbricated, ovate, entire, rather concave, single-ribbed
in the lower part, obtuse, without any hair-like point. Fruit-
stalk from the base of a branch, an inch or more in height,
wavy, red. Capsule pendulous, brown, smooth, of a slender
obovate or pear-shaped form. Lid convex with a little point.