
6 / [ 2072 ]
HYPNUM loreum.
Rambling Mountain Feather-moss.
G en. Char. Caps.,ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fringe of 16 teeth, dilated at the base:
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stem procumbent, somewhat pinnate.
Leaves awlshaped, recurved, pointing towards one
side, with a broad striated base. Lid convex, with
a small point.
Syn. Hypnum loreum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1593. Sm. FI.
Brit. 1324. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 294. Huds. 502.
With. 857, Hull. 272. Relh. 436. Sibth. 297.
Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 7. 21. Turn. Muse. Hib. 185.
H. loreum montanum, capsulis subrotundis. Dill.
Muse. 305. t. 39. ƒ . 40.
H . repens, surculis magis erectis, foliis reflexis lon-
gioribus cinctis, operculo capituli magno. Raii
Syn. 82.
T h i s Hypnum had not been noticed in Scotland till I found
it in Rivelston wood near Edinburgh in 1782, nor had
Mr. Dickson observed it till I brought him specimens from
that neighbourhood and from Westmoreland. It is however
by no means rare in dry mountainous countries, bearing
capsules, frequently enough, in March or April, as well as
later in the season.
I t is o n e o f th e la rg e st o f th e squ a rro se k in d s, an d is k n ow n
b y its lo n g , ram b lin g , b ra n ch e d and p in n a te stem s, its pale
y e llow ish h u e , b u t e spe cially by th e cu rv a tu re o f its leaves
tow a rd o n e sid e , in w h ic h it differs from H. triquetrum? t. 1622,
a n d squarrosum, t. 1 9 33, tw o species m o st re sem b lin g -it in
siz e an d c o lo u r. T h e en d s o f th e b ra n ch e s are a cu te an d
h o o k e d . L eav es closely im b ric a ted , r e c u rv e d ; b ro a d , e n tire ,
a n d m a rk e d w ith 3 jo r 5 fu rrow s a t th e ir b a s e ; awlsh ap ed ,
k e e led , a n d m in u te ly to o th e d , ra th e r th a n se rrated , in th e
o th e r p a rt. S h e a th pa le , o f m a n y ova te leaves, w ith a cu te ,
sp re ad in g , finely to o th e d p o in ts . F ru it-s ta lk s an in c h a n d
h a lf lo n g , re d , sm o o th . C ap su le d ro o p in g , o va te , tu rg id ,
sm o o th . L id very convex w ith a sm a ll p o in t, red d ish .
Or( t. ibtKj fuMiJrtd fry JonierfiyJuru/if/i.