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H Y P N U M praelongum.
Long Trailing Feather-moss.
Gen. Char. Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fringe of 16 teeth, dilated at the base;
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stem pinnate, creeping. Leaves spreading
every way, ovato-lanceolate, pointed, serrated,
single-ribbed. Lid awlshaped, curved. Stalk rough.
Syn. Hypnum prselongum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1591. Sm.
FI. Brit. 1299. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 258. Crypt,
v. 4. 76. t. 29. Huds. 499. With. 855. Hull.
271. Relh. 434. Sibth. 295. Abbot. 248.
H. repens filicinum, triangularibus parvis foliis, prselongum.
Raii Syn. 80. Dill. Muse. 278. t. 35. f . 15.
T h i s species of Hypnum is frequent in moist woods, especially
on a sandy or gravelly soil, and about the shady bottoms
of hedges, where the morning dew, glistening among
its leaves, renders it, at that time, particularly apparent.
The long, slender, branched and pinnated stems creep
closely over rotten wood or bark, spreading in every direction.
The lateral branches are scarcely an inch long, and
usually simple. Leaves small, of a pale yellowish green,
rarely dark-green, spreading loosely every way, lanceolate or
slightly ovate, pointed, sharply serrated, with a solitary pale-
green nerve. Sheaths solitary, of several loosely recurved
ovate leaves, with serrated points. Fruitstalks solitary, rather
above an inch long, crimson, rough with very minute
tubercles. Capsule drooping, ovate, or slightly cylindrical,
a little curved. Lid awlshaped, curved, rather shorter than
the capsule. Veil acute, of a pale green.