/ S o
G en. Char. Male flowers sessile.
Capsule on a stalk rising from a sheath, o f 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
Spec. Char. Stems ascending, b ran c h ed . Leaves
in two rows, rounded, wavy, e n tir e ; th e ir side-
lobes rhomboid. Sheaths terminal, to rn .
Syn. Ju n g e rm a n n ia un d u la ta. Linn. Sp. PI. 1598.
Huds. 512. With. 875. Hull. 279. Lighlf. 776.
L ich en astrum pin n is auriculatis_ majoribus e t n o n
crefiatis. Dill. Muse. 490. t. 71. ƒ . 17.
A NATIVE of shady woods, where it composes dense elastic
tufts about the roots of trees. Mr. Hooker gave us these specimens,
which are certainly the plant of Dillenius, on which
Linnasus originally founded this species, without seeing it.
What he subsequently procured and described in his Syst.
peg. is of no moment. There is no specimen in his herbarium.
He says his agreed with the figure of Vaillant, (t. 19. f . 6,)
-better than with that of Dillenius; but the former is of no authority,
nor can we refer it with certainty to any thing.
The colour of our plant is much tinged with purple or brown,
as Dillenius- mentions. The stems are two or three inches
high, moderately branched. Leaves alternate, in two ranks,
not much crowded, of a roundish somewhat rhomboid figure,
bluntly pointed, wavy, and occasionally very slightly lobed,
their margin entire, in which they difter from nemorosa, t. 607,
as well as in being more flaccid. The lolulus, or side-lobe, of
each is rhomboid, folded close to the stem, which it partly
covers, all on one side. Sheaths terminal, solitary, cylindrical,
unequally sharply toothed and torn. Fruitstalk about art
inch long, white and delicate.