BRYUM elonOgatum.
Elongated Thread-moss.
Gen. Char. Outer fringe o f 16 te e th , b ro a d a t th e
b a s e : inner a to o th e d m em b ra n e . Flowers te rm in
a l. Capsule o v a te -o b lo n g , sm o o th . Veil sm o o th .
Spec. Char. S tem n e a rly sim p le. L e av e s linear-
lan c eo la te , th ic k -e d g e d . C a p su le in c lin in g , cylind
ric a l, ta p e rin g a t th e b ase.
Syn. B ry u rn e lo n g a tum . Sm. FI. Brit. 1349. Dicks.
Crypt, fuse. 2. 8. With. 832. Hull. 263. Turn.
Muse. Hib. 114.
P o h lia e lo n g a ta . Hedw. Sp. Muse. 1 7 1 . Crypt, v. 1 .
96. t. 36. Ehrk. Crypt. 64.
D lL L EN IU S gathered this moss on Clogwyn y gamedd,
North Wales, as appears from his herbarium, and confounded
it with B. nutans, his N° 61, from which it is very distinct.
Our specimens were collected on Ingleborough, Yorkshire, by
Mr. W. Brunton. The capsules ripen in June and July.
Roots slender, tufted, black, perennial. Stems erect,
slender, generally about half an inch high, simple, leafy,
sometimes, from luxuriance, branched. Leaves dark shininaO
green, rather spreading, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute,
beardless, single-ribbed, with an entire, somewhat thickened
margin. Fruitstalk an inch or inch and half high, mostly
solitary, upright, of a shining tawny red, yellowish at the
top. Capsule more or less inclining, not pendulous; when
young, obovate and a little curved; when ripe longer, and
almost cylindrical, its .lower half, or thereabouts, consisting
of an inversely conical base. The mouth is* narrow, the lid
short, conical and acute, of an orange hue. Outer fringe
rather short, pale brown j inner white, simply toothed, as
Hedwig describes it.