J U N G E RM A N N I A multifida.
Many-lobed Jungermannia.
C R Y P T O G AM I A Alga.
Gen. Char. Male flowers feffile.
Female on a footftalk rifing from a (heath. Capfule
with 4 valves. Seeds attached to elaftic filaments.
Spec. Char. Stem none. Frond bipinnatifid.
Syn. Jungermannia multifida. Linn. Sp. PL 1602.
Hudf. FI. An. 517. With, Bot. Arr. V. 3. 15 3.
Lichenaftrum Ambrofiæ divifura. Rail Syn. h i .
Dill. Mufc. 511. /. 74./. 43.
T h i s was gathered on Epping Foreft, by Mr. E. Forfter.
It loves a moifl fhady fituation like J. pinguis, but is not near
fo common. It flowers about the fame time.
The fronds grow proftrate, and are cut into many obtufe irregular
fegments in a bipinnate order, their furface fomewhat
flimy to the touch. From towards their bafe arife folitary
flower-ftalks, clothed at the bottom with a white (heath, and
terminating in a dark brown capfule, which quickly fcatters its
feeds, retaining at the laft a few fibres flicking to the extremity
of its expanded withered valves, as in other fpecies.