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Creeping Jungermannia.
C R T P T O G A M I A Alga.
G en . C h a r . M a le flowers fefiile.
Female on a footftalk rifing from a fheath. Capf.
with 4 valves. Seeds attached to elaftic filaments.
S p e c . C h a r . Fronds branching, creeping, pinnate.
Amply auricled beneath, flowering at the bafe.
Leaves and auricles four-toothed.
Sy n . Jungermannia reptans. Linn. Sp. Pi. 1599.
Hud/. 5 1 3 . With. 87 7 . Hull. a8o.
Lichenaftrum Trichomanis facie, foliolis multi-
fidis, capitulis ex imis cauliculis nafcentibus.
Rail Syn. 1 1 3 .
L. multifidum exiguum, ad bafin florens, per fic-
citatem imbricatum. Dill. Mufc. 4 9 4 . t. 7 1 .
ĥ 24.
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JL H IS pretty fpecies was alfo received from the Rev. Mr.
Francis, having been gathered by himfelf in Edgefield wood,
near Holt. It flowers in April and May.
It grows in patches, the fronds being much branched,
creeping, throwing out roots here and there to their very extremities.
The leaves are fmall, but greener and lefs tender than
in fome other fpecies, convex, imbricated, ending in 4 deep
fharp teeth or lobes. They grow nearly oppofite, and each pair
is connected beneath by a Ample four-toothed auricle or
, ftipula. The flower-ftalks fpring copioufly from the beginning
of th e . Item, and each is clothed at the bafe with a tubular
fharply-toothed fheath. The capfules are blackifh.