/ 2> î> [ 1 9 0 5 ]
Gen. Char. Outer fringe of 32 or 64 short incurved
teeth : inner a flat undivided membrane. Veil generally
double : the outer hairy.
S p e c . C h a r . Leaves lançeolate-awlshaped, finely serrated.
Capsule ovate, drooping, with a top-shaped
pedestal. Stem branched.
Syn. Polytrichum alpinum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1573. Sm.
FI. Bril. 1377. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 92. Menz. Tr,
o f L. Soc. v. 4. 83, Buds. 470. With. 797-
Hull. 248. Lightf. 703. Turn*Muse. Hib, 85.
Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 12 . 19. Ehrh. Crypt.^2.
P. alpinum ramosum, capsulis e summitate ellipticis.
Dill. Muse. 427. t. 55.f . 4.
A N A T IV E o f th e h ig h e s t m o u n ta in s o f B rita in , as S n ow d
o n , B en L om o n d , & c. T h e sp e c im en h e re d elineated was
g a th e red by th e late M r . W . B ru n to n , in J u n e 1 8 03, o n M o ss
D a le H e a d , W e n s le y -d a le , Y o rk s h ire . T h e c apsules are p ro duc
ed in succession th ro u g h o u t th e sum m e r.
Stems perennial; slender and naked below; branched,
level-topped and leafy above. Leaves of a dark dull green,
sheathing at the base, spreading and in some degree recurved,
lanceolate, tapering, acute, without any keel, rib, or terminal
bristle; their edges bordered with fine cartilaginous serratures;
their green disk very deeply and curiously furrowed. Fruit-
stalks solitary, near 2 inches high, purplish in their lower
part, .yellow above, not quite straight. Capsule ovate, without
angles, drooping and dark brown when ripe, standing on
a small top-shaped base. Mouth red. Lid conical when
young, but its sides soon become depressed. Veil double, of
a golden brown. Fringe of 32 small simple pale teeth, accompanied
within the mouth by the membranous expansion
already noticed at t. 1624.
Ju tu u S o S .Jh JA iM i Try Ja. f Sm rttln t, J5<rnJ<m.
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