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HYPNUM velutinum.
Velvet Feather-Moss.
G en. Char. Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fr in g e of 16 teeth, dilated at the b a se :
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stem creeping. Leaves imbricated every
way, ovate, pointed, .serrated, single-ribbed in
their lower part. Capsule ovate, drooping. Lid
Syn. Hypnum velutinum. Linn. Sp. PL 1595. Sm.
Fl. B r it. 1305. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 272. Crypt,
v. 4. 70. t. 27. Huds. 506. JVitli. 866. Hull.
274. Relh. 437. Sibth. 301. Abbot. 251.
Turn. Muse. Hib. 167.
H. velutinum, capsulis ovatis cemuis. Dill. Muse.
326. t. 4 2 . / . 61.
H . repens trichoides terrestre viridius minus, capitulis
tumidioribus cernuis. R a ii Syn. 84. n. 24.
C o m m o n on banks, and about the roots of trees in woods,
forming dense entangled tufts and patches, and bearing ripe
fruit in the early spring.
Stems creeping, perennial, densely matted together, much,
branched. Branches short, erect, clustered, mostly simple,
cylindrical, thickly clothed in every direction with imbricated
upright little leaves of a yellowish lively green, which are ovate
and single-ribbed at their base, tapering into a long serrated
nerveless point. Sheath of several slender pale tapering leaves
w'ithout nerves. Fruitstalk about an inch long, purplish, often
rough towards the top with very minute tubercles. Capsule
ovate, short, curved and drooping, of a rusty brown .when
ripe. Lid conical, acute, reddish. Veil greenish.
Ray’s No. 25 should seem to be only a slight variety of the