[ 6 o 7 ] j r y
Fringed Jungermannia.
C R Y P T O G AMI A Alga.
Gen. Char. Male flowers feflile.
Female on a footftalk riling from a fheatb. Cap/.
with 4 valves. Seeds attached to elaftic filaments.
S p e c . C h a r . Fronds pinnate, auricled; the auricles
uppcrmoft, in two ranks, ciliated. Flower-ftalk
Syn. Jungermannia nemorofa. Linn. Sp. PL 1598.
Hudf. 5 x2. With. 8 7 5 .
J. nemorea. Hull. 279 .
Lichenaftrum auriculatum, pinnis minoribus cre-
natis. Bill. M u jc .^ o . t. 7 1 . / . 18.
G a t h e r e d by the Rev. Mr. Francis in woods near Holt,
and communicated to us with its fru&ification in March 1798.
I t appears to be a rare fpecies. Dillenius fays he had never
obferved it in England, nor is it mentioned in any of our local
Floras. Hudfon alone appears to have found it in Weftmore-
The fronds grow upright, either fimple or branched, forming
tufts, of a pale green. The leaves are broad, convex,
pointed, alternately imbricated, finely ciliated, accompanied on
the upper fide of the Item by a double row of fmaller ciliated
leaflets or auricles. The ffower-ftalks grow folitary, from the
end of each ftem or branch, out of a very blunt almoft entire
and naked {heath; which droops toward one fide before the
flower-ftalk is put forth. The capfule is brown, with rather
broader valves than in fome other fpecies.