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Turnerian Jungermannia.
CRYPTOGAM1A Hepaticce.
Gen. Char. Male flowers sessile. Anthers stalked.
Capsule on a stalk, rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
S p e c . C h a r . Procumbent, branched and divaricated.
Leaves broad-ovate, deeply cloven, folded, with
spinous teeth. Sheaths terminal, linear-oblong,
plaited longitudinally, minutely toothed.
Syn. Jungermannia Turneri. Hooker Brit. Jung.
J 29. _ _ _
F o u n d by Miss Hutchins, on the shady bank of a mountain-
rivulet near Bantry, bearing fruit most plentifully about the beginning
of March. It is with great propriety dedicated to the
honour of one of the first cryptogamic botanists.
This small but very elegant species belongs to the same tribe
as J. connivens, t. 2436, licuspidata, t. 2239, &e. It forms
patches of a pale yellowish green, creeping on the ground, and
branching from a centre. The leaves spread in two rows, and
are deeply cloven, their lobes folded together, and remarkably
blistered or minutely cellular, all over, like the branch itself; their
edges strongly and sharply toothed. Sheaths terminal, oblong,
longitudinally plaited, in consequence as it seems of the contraction
of their mouth, whose edge is finely toothed. Fruitstalk
rather long, white, slender and cellular. Capsule of four equal
entire valves.