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JUNGERMANNIA hamatifolia.
HooJc-leaved Jungermannia.
Gen. Char. Male flowers sessile. Anthers stalked.
Capsule on a stalk, rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
Spec. Char. Creeping, thread-shaped, branched.
Leaves two-ranked, unequally two-lobed; the
larger lobe ovate, with a curved po in t; the smaller
involute. Scales ovate, acutely cloven. Sheaths
lateral, obovate, with five prominent angles; contracted
and toothed at the orifice.
Svn. Jungermannia hamatifolia. Hooker Brit. Jung.
t .b \ .
J_HIS remarkable species has been found in Yorkshire, Cumberland
and Devonshire, as well as in Scotland and Ireland, frequently
intermixed with its near relation calyptrifolia, t. 2538,
and growing on the stems of Ulex nanus, or on Heath; sometimes
on trees; bearing fructification early in the spring.
Its green colour, and creeping branching habit, agree with
'Calyptrifolia ; as well as the disposition of the leaves ; but their
form is very different. Each may be termed ovate and inflated,
with a curved point, and an involute side-lobe, half the size of
the leaf. The stipulaceous scales are broadish, deeply and
acutely cloven. Sheaths lateral, obovate, contracted and toothed
at the mouth, but not abrupt; furnished with five prominent or
keeled, occasionally toothed, longitudinal angles. Fruitstalk,
and capsule with its tubes, much as in t, 2538 and 2537. For
these we are obliged to Mr. Hooker.