BRYUM bimum.
Long-stalked Bog Thread^moss,
GENi C h a r . Fringe double: outer o f 16 teeth, broad
at their b a se : inner a toothed membrane. Flowers
terminal. Ca/ww/eovate-oblong,smooth. smooth.
S pec. Ch a r . Stem branched. Leaves alternate, linear-
lanceolate, slightly serrated near the point. Capsule
oboyate, elongated, pendulous.
S yn. Bryum bimum. Schreb. Lips. 83. Sm. FI.
Brit. 1365. Turn. Muse. Hib. 127.
B. triquetrum /3. Huds. 490. Hull. 256.
B. lanceolatum bimum, seris et capsulis longis pen-
dulis. Dill. Muse. 405. t. 51. f . 73.
B. nitidum, foliis serpilli pellucidis angustis, capitulis
tumidis nutantibus, prasaltis pediculis e surculis an-
notinis egredientibus. Dili, in Raii Syn. 102.
Mnium pseudo-triquetrum, var. 2. With. 808.
F x)R this we are obliged to Mr. Winch, It is found in
mountainous boggy places, bearing fruit in the summer season,
and is perennial.
Stems 2 or 3 inches high, irregularly branched, soon assuming
a dark ferruginous hue. Leaves longish, sharp-
pointed, pale green, pellucid, obsoletely serrated in the upper
part, varying in breadth, furnished with a coloured midrib.
Fruit-stalks, as Dillenius observes, from the summits of
branches which are 2 or 3 years old, purple below, pale above,
polished, 2 or 3 inches long, often bent near the base.
Capsule pendulous, long, of a slender obovate or club-shaped
figure when ripe. Fringe yellow.