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II Y P N U M confertuin.
Clustered Feather-moss.
G en. Char. Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outerfringe o f 16 teeth, dilated at the base:
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stem creeping. Leaves ovate, sharp-
pointed, somewhat serrated, spreading, single-
ribbed at the base. Lid awlshaped, curved.
Syn. H y p num'confertum. Dicks. Crypt, fu s e . 4. 17.
t. 11. ƒ . 14. Sm. FI. B r it. 1304.
H. clavellatum. Huds. 508. With. 866. Hull. 274:;
ex c lu d in g the synonym o f Dillenius.
F o u n d upon the trunks of trees, bearing fruit in February.
W e exhibit an authentic specimen from Mr. Dickson, by
which his plant, that of the Flora Britannica, will be placed
out of the reach of uncertainty. The stems are short, growing
in dense tufts, and beset with many short branches. Leaves
loosely imbricated in every direction, light green, ovate, concave,
sharp-pointed, finely but rather distantly serrated, furnished
with a central rib which vanishes entirely about the
middle. Scales of the sheath much like the leaves, but rather
smaller. Fruitstalks hardly an inch high, tawny or red.
Capsule drooping, small, ovate, oblique. Lid convex, with
a curved awlshaped beak, almost as long as the capsule.
There has been some suspicion that this species was not distinct
from serrulatum, t. 1262; but the latter has more the
aspect of an aquatic moss, and the leaves certainly are disposed
in tworanks. Otherwise they are indeed nearly akin.
Our t. 1038 should now be called
HYPNUM murale.
Wall Feather-moss.
The synonyms must be erased, as belonging to the present;
others to replace them may be found in FI. Brit. 1304,1305.