H Y P N U M serrulatum.
Serrulated Feather-moss.
G en. Char. Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fringe o f 16 teeth, dilated at the
b a s e : inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil
Spec. Char. Stem much branched, creeping. Leaves
ovato-lanceolate, sharp-pointed, serrated, with a
single nerve at the base. Lid awl-shaped.
Syn. Hypnum serrulatum. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 238. t. 60.
Sm. FI. Brit. 1290.
W e are also obliged for specimens of this mosjs to Mr. Turner,
who in the progress of his work on Irish Mosses has
kindly communicated to us many observations, .especially every
fact which could only be ascertained by the authentic Hedwi-
gian specimens in his collection.
The H. serrulatum was received by the celebrated Hedwig
from Pennsylvania. Our specimens were gathered in Ireland
by Dr. Scott; nor is it very wonderful that an American plant
should be found in that country, whose moist climate moreover
renders it fertile in mosses.
The roots appear to be perennial. With the time of its
fructifying we are not acquainted. It is smaller than the
foregoing species, and much more branched. The leaves are
more or less perfectly two-ranked, deep-green, not shining,
ovato-lanceolate with a taper point, obscurely reticulated, unequally
and finely serrated, furnished with a central nerve which
reaches only about half way from their base. Stalks red and
shining. Capsule drooping, ovate-oblong. Lid awl-shaped,
by which this species is, as well as by the leaves, clearly distinguished
from the two last. Fringe of a rusty red. -
Mr. Turner, on the authority of a specimen just received
from Mr. Dickson, thinks this moss may not be distinct from
his H. confertum.