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JU N G E RM A N N IA Dicksoni.
DicJcsonian Jungermannia.
C R Y PTOG AMIA Hepaiicee.
G e n . C h a r . Male flowers sessile. Anthers stalked.
Capsule on a stalk, rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
S p e c . C h a r . Ascending, scarcely branched. Leaves
two-ranked, unequally two-lobed, folded; lobes
ovato-lanceolate, acute, nearly entire. Sheaths
terminal, ovate, plaited; contracted and toothed
at the orifice.
S y n . Jung©ermannia Dicksoni. Hooker Brit. Jung.
t. 48. ‘
T h e distinguished cryptogamist, to whom this species is in-,
scribed, met with it many years ago in Scotland, and we have
delineated one of his own specimens, communicated by Mr. Turner.
The fructification was found there by Mr. Lyell, in August,
We have been obliged to borrow it from Mr. Hooker s excellent
The plant forms small dense tufts, each shoot ascending obliquely,
to the height of about half an inch. The hue of the
whole is a light tawny, or yellowish, green, Leaves spreading in
two ranks, without scales; each of two ovato-lanceolate acute
lobes, one twice or thrice as big as the other, which is folded
upon it, like allicans, t. 2240. The sheath is terminal, solitary,
rather large, ovate and inflated, but pursed in, and toothed,
at the summit. Capsule reddish brown, on a stalk of moderate