■ / 6 y [ 2512 ]
Inflated Jungermannia.
Gen. Char. Male flowers sessile. Anthers stalked.
Capsule on a stalk, rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
Spec. Char. Procumbent, branched. Leaves two-
ranked, spreading, roundish-wedgeshaped, cloven,
with distant bluntish segments: without scales.
Sheaths terminal, obovate, inflated; contracted
and toothed at the orifice.
Syn. Jungermannia inflata. Buds. 511.
J . bidentata var. 2. With. 8jri. Hull. 2/8.
Lichenastrum pinnulis obtusioribus bifidis, minus.
Dill. Muse. 488. i. JO. f . 12.
A NATIVE of shady rather moist places, communicated by
Mr. Turner. This is evidently very different from the bidentata,
t. 606, of which some have thought it a variety, and which is
admirably represented in Mr. Hooker’s t. 30, with its laciniated
stipulaceous scales, omitted in our plate.
The present is a much smaller plant; the leaves more separately
and horizontally spreading, without scales. Mr. J. D.
Sowerby has found a lateral notch in two or three pair of the
uppermost, ‘which are rather larger than the rest of the foliage.
The sheaths are terminal, and very distinct, being inflated into
an obovate or pear-like figure; quite close, and sharply toothed,
at the mouth. Hence Hudson well derived the name. Mr.
Hooker informs us that Sehmidel has figured this species, in one
of his latter plates, not in our possession, by the name of bicre-
nata. Micheli’s t. 5. f, 13, quoted by Dillenius, appears by the
sheath to be different.