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B R Y U M carneum.
Shining Bryum.
C R Y P T 0 G A M 1 A Mufd.
Gen. Char. Cap/, w ith a lid . Veil fm o o th . Flower-
Jlalk from a te rm in a l tu b e rc le .
Spec. Char. Capfules pendulous, fomewhat globular.
Leaves alternate, acute, and entire.
Syn. B ry um c a r n e um . Linn. Sp'. PI. 1 58 7 . Hudf.
FI. A n . 48 9 . With. Bot. A r r . v . 3 . n a .
B . n itid um , foliis S e rp illi p e llu c id is a n g u f tio rib u s ,
re flex is c a p itu lis fu b ro tu n d is , c a rn e i co lo ris, in
p e d ic u lis b re v io rib u s . Rail Syn. 1 0 2 .
B . la n c e o la tum p e llu c id um , c a p fu lis r o tu n d is , p e n -
d u lis , c a rn e is . D ill. Mufc. 400. t. 50. ƒ . 69.
E N T from Cambridgefhire by the Rev. Mr. Hemfted. It
is an uncommon, and not generally known fpecies, growing
in moift lhady places, among grafs, and by the margins of
little rills, bearing its fruit in the fpring.
Root perennial. Stems Ihort, flender, fimple at firft, clothed
with thick-fet, alternate, lanceolate, pointed, entire leaves,
of a bright pellucid green. Stalk terminal, a little longer
than the Items, reddilh, fhining, pellucid and fucculent.
Capfule pendulous, when young green, pear-fhaped and very
obtufe, with a deprelfed lid; but as it ripens becoming of a
flefh-colaured red, and when arrived at maturity the orifice is
much dilated, fo that in fome fpecimens the capfule may be
called almoft campanulate. Our figure is not in that advanced
ftate. The veil we have not feen. Dillenius reprefents it as
awl-fhaped and very tender, falling off the young capfules before
they begin to nod. When the fruit is ripe, young (hoots
are protruded from the top of the Item, fo that the fruit-ftalks
are no longer terminal.
We have compared ours with the fpecimens of Dillenius.